Program in Molecular Medicine
Raffi V. Aroian, PhD
Academic Role: Professor
Programs: Program in Molecular Medicine
Focus: Assessing how vertebrate hosts and their immune system interact with intestinal nematodes, with the goal of controlling autoimmune diseases including MS; cognitive impact of parasitic nematodes.
Ingolf M. Bach, PhD
Academic Role: Professor
Programs: Department of Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology, Department of Radiology, Program in Molecular Medicine
Focus: Neuronal Cell Fate Specification.
Roger J. Davis, PhD
Academic Role: Chair and Professor
Programs: Program in Molecular Medicine
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
H. Arthur Smith Chair in Cancer Research
Focus: Mechanisms by which growth factors regulate cellular proliferation and signaling.
Anastasia Khvorova, PhD
Academic Role: Professor
Programs: Program in Molecular Medicine, RNA Therapeutics Institute
Remondi Family Chair in Biomedical Research
Focus: Therapeutic gene silencing in vivo.
Lawrence Lifshitz, PhD
Academic Role: Associate Professor
Programs: Department of Microbiology and Physiological Systems, Program in Molecular Medicine
Focus: Computer vision and image processing.
Lori J. Lorenz, PhD
Academic Role: Assistant Professor
Programs: Program in Molecular Medicine
Focus: Translational regulation in models of Fragile X Syndrome.
Gary R. Ostroff, PhD
Academic Role: Professor
Programs: Program in Molecular Medicine, RNA Therapeutics Institute
Focus: Using small to macromolecular drug delivery to phagocytes to modulate inflammation and pathologies associated with infectious, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases.
Joel Richter, PhD
Academic Role: Professor
Programs: Program in Molecular Medicine, RNA Therapeutics Institute
Arthur F. Koskinas Chair in Neuroscience
Focus: Translational control in meiosis, mitosis, and neuronal synaptic plasticity. Fragile X syndrome.
Jin Zhang, PhD
Academic Role: Assistant Professor
Programs: Department of Neurobiology, Program in Molecular Medicine
Focus: Interplay of sensory systems and internal state; taste