Current Lab Members
Merav Socolovsky, MD, Ph.D.
Joined the faculty of the UMass Chan Medical School in 2004.
merav.socolovsky@umassmed.eduBA (1983), University of Cambridge, UK; MBBS (equivalent to MD), University College, London, U.K. (1986); Ph.D (1994), University of Cambridge, U.K. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, U.K. (1989). Postdoctoral training at the Whitehead Institute, MIT, Cambridge, USA, under the mentorship of Dr. Harvey Lodish. Received a number of awards including a Medical Research Council (U.K.) Training Fellowship (1989), a Howard Hughes Training Fellowship for Physicians (1994), a National Cancer Institute Howard Temin (KO1) Career Development Award (2002), Charles Hood Foundation Child Health Research Award (2004), American Cancer Society Scholar award (2006), UMass Chan Medical School Faculty Scholar award (2012), Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Scholar award (2012) and an American Society of Hematology Bridge Grant Award (2013).
Ashley Winward, B.S.
Research Associate, lab member since 2019
Ashley.Winward@umassmed.eduGraduated from the University of New Haven (West Haven, CT) in 2015 with B.S. Degrees in Marine Biology and Environmental Science and a minor in Chemistry. Previously an Animal Care Technician for UMass Chan Medical School.
Divya Nair, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Lab Member since 2023
Hold a doctoral degree in Biotechnology from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Kerala, India) in 2021. Before joining the Socolovsky lab, an Internal-post doctoral fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India). -
Logan Lalonde, B.S.
Research Associate, lab member since 2023
Graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst (Amherst, MA) in 2023 with B.S. Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. -
John Sardella, M.S.
Research Associate, lab member since 2023Graduated from Saint Anselm College in 2021 with a B.A. in Biology and a minor in Psychology. Graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2022 with a M.S. in Biotechnology: Industrial and Biomedical Sciences.