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Monthly Seminar - Structural Biology Club

The stuctural biology club organizes monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of each month, starting Februry 2016. We invite speakers from regional institutions to give talks that are structrual biology related.  This is 2-hour event, the first talk is research talk, the 2nd one is usually technique oriented. Below lists flyers from past meeting.

Sanchaita Das designed all the flyers. 

June 7, 1026 


June 7, 2016. Presented by Maofu Liao (HMS) & Evan Rossignol (BUMS)



May 3, 2016


May 3, 2016. Presented by Esther Bullitt (BUMS) & Roger Craig (UMass Chan).


SB-club meeting April



April 5, 2016. Presented by Mary Munson (UMass Chan) & Chen Xu (UMass Chan).



first structural biology club meeting 


First Sctructural Biology Club Meeting Feb. 09, 2016.