Completed Studies

Site Primary Investigator (UMASS): Susanne Muehlschlegel, MD MPH
Study Coordinator: Lauren Vilchinsky,, 508-856-4667
Design: A randomized, controlled multi-center trial
Background: Approximately 90% of stroke patients develop at least 1 fever within 7 days in the ICU. Fever has been associated with worse outcomes in any neurological injury. By comparing a fever prevention group using the Artic Sun Temperature Management System to a standard of care group, this study will assess if fever prevention is associated with better outcomes.
Funding: BARD Medical Division
Objective: Use the Artic Sun 5000 Temperature Management System to assess fever burden and the impact on outcomes of fever prevention as compared to standard fever care in Ischemic Stroke, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage patients.
Outcome measures: Mortality, Glasgow Outcome Scale, modified Rankin scale, Barthel Index, Canadian Stroke scale, ICU and hospital length of stay.
Anticipated patient enrollment: Total of 1,176 patients to be recruited globally. Link: