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Student Write-up of the Practicum

The Student Evaluation of the Practicum is now done on Survey Monkey.   Please email Linda Hollis, when you are ready for the link to your student evaluation.   The Site Supervisor Evaluation is also now on Survey Monkey and Linda Hollis will send the link to your Site Supervisor.


Below are the guidelines for the practicum write up:  

Guidelines for Written Report as part of the Practicum Student Report

This report is limited to 10 double-spaced pages, preferably a 10 to 12 font, 1” margins. Please use either APA or AMA format to site references.

Below is a list of questions to assist you in writing your paper. While you do not have to answer each and every question, they are provided to generate ideas about the site and your experiences.

Introduction: Describe the background illustrating the importance of your project and its context. How did you decide on your project?

Methods: What were the goals and objectives you and your site supervisor agreed upon for your experience?

Results/Outcomes: What did you do? Who were the people that you interacted with during your experience? What were their roles? Describe the best thing that happened during the experience – something you or someone else said or did, a feeling, insight gained, or goal accomplished.

Lessons learned: What surprised you? What were your positive and negative experiences during the practicum? What did you learn that will enhance your classroom-based experiences? In what ways has this experience changed how you think about public health practice? What insights did you gain that might assist you in your career? What did the experience teach you about public health issues? What specific suggestions do you have that would have improved the project you worked on, the site itself or the experience?