Dean Cleghorn, Ed.D
Academic Role: Associate Professor
Faculty Appointment(s) and Affiliations:
T.H. Chan School of Medicine
Family Medicine and Community Health
Education Ed.D. , Educational and School Psychology, March 1978 M.S. , Educational and School Psychology, 1977 School Psychology Internship, 1977 B.A., Sociology, 1973 |
Current Position
Chief of Quality Management and Research
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center, Lawrence, MA
Contact Info
GLFHC, 34 Haverhill St., Lawrence, MA 01841
Phone: 978-725-7400
Fax: 978-687-3726
Academy for Healthcare Improvement
American Public Health Association (APHA)
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH)
North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)
The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
Scholarly Activity
- Board Member, National Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Coalition, 2009-present.
- Member, CTSA Community Engagement Steering Committee, University of Massachusetts, July 2010-present.
- Areas of teaching emphasis: Community Medicine, quality improvement, health disparities and equity, practice-based learning and improvement, population health
- Principal Investigator, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health 2010 (REACH 2010), Latino Health 2010, Lawrence, MA. Grant No. U50/CCU117286, project period 9/30/99-9/29/2002.
- Editorial Board Member and Consultant, Network Grant to Develop Online CQI Modules, Case Western Reserve (grantee), from the Center for the Health Professions, UCSF, 2001-2002
- Author, Associate Project Director, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Graduate Training in Family Medicine Grant: Combined EBM/CQI Curriculum; 1 D22 HP 00339-01; project period 07/01/02-6/30/2005.
- Principal Investigator, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health 2010 (REACH 2010), Latino Health 2010, Lawrence, MA. Grant No. U50-CCU122155, project period 9/30/02-9/29/2007.
- Principal Investigator, Blue Cross Blue of Massachusetts Foundation, “Closing the Gap on Healthcare Disparities,” Asthma care improvement, project period 10/1/05-9/30/2008.
- Principal Investigator, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health United States (REACH US), Latino Center of Excellence to Eliminate Disparities (Latino CEED), Lawrence, MA. Grant No. 1U58DP000945-01, project period 9/30/07-9/29/2012.
- Author and PI, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Health Disparities Grant for Senior Center evening exercise and education program, Lawrence, MA, project period 11/1/07-6/30/11.
- GLFHC PI, subcontract with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard School of Public Health. A sustainable approach to increasing cancer screenings in community health centers. Karen Emmons, PI, grant number 5R01CA126596 from the National Cancer Institute. Project period: 9/1/08-7/31/2011.
Co-Investigator, (Shirin Madjzoub, PI). PCMH Team Development to Effect Practice Transformation, Harvard-Pilgrim Health Care, Quality Grants Program 2011 ($82,000), Project period: 4/1/11-3/31/2012.
Biographical Sketch
Having come to Massachusetts in 1996, Dean has continued to serve as a faculty member of the Family Medicine Residence Program, sponsored by the Greater Lawrence Family Health Center (GLFHC). He is currently Chief of Quality Management & Research at GLFHC and the principal investigator for the REACH New England Latino Latino Center of Excellence for Eliminating Disparities. Health quality and health equity form the core of his professional interests and commitment, as represented in his multiple research efforts and in building capacity for continual improvement at the Health Center and in the community.
Peer Reviewed Articles
1. Fogleman, B.S. and Cleghorn, G.D. “Relationship Between Class Attendance and National Board Part I.” Journal of Medical Education, Vol. 58, No. 11; 904, November 1983.
2. Cleghorn, G.D. “Policies of U.S. Medical Schools on the Use of the NBME Part I and Part II Examinations.” Journal of Medical Education, Vol. 61, No. 12; 954-957, December 1986.
3. McGowan, J.J. and Cleghorn, G.D. “Physician Manpower and Graduate Medical Education: A Review With Implications for State Policy Development.” Journal of the S.C. Medical Association, Vol. 85, No. 5, 239-245, May 1989.
4. Cleghorn, G.D. “South Carolina AHEC Hosts 1991 AHEC National Workshop.” The National AHEC Bulletin, Vol. IX, No. 1, Summer 1991.
5. Cleghorn, G.D. “Coopetition in Rural Health Education—The South Carolina AHEC Model.” Journal of the S.C. Medical Association, Vol. 88, No. 10, 460-463, October 1992.
6. Cleghorn, G.D., Parchman, M., Bailey, P., Corley, E. “Physician Workforce Trends by Specialty in Urban and Rural South Carolina: 1985-94.” Carolina Health Services Review, Summer 1994, 13-25.
7. Cleghorn, G.D. “AHEC: A Pipeline for Health Professionals,” The National AHEC Bulletin, Vol. XII, No. 2, Summer 1995.
8. Cleghorn, G.D. and Headrick, L.A. “The PDSA Cycle at the Core of Learning in Health Professions Education.” The Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement, March 1996, Vol. 22, No. 3, 206-212.
9. Chessman, A.C., Bellack, J.P., Cleghorn, G.D., Kennedy, B., Lahoz, M.R., Slaughter, S., Mahler, W.N. “Institutionalizing Continuous Improvement in South Carolina: Taking It ‘Bird by Bird.’” The Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement, March 1996, Vol. 22, No. 3, 177-187.
10. Chessman, A.C., Bellack, J.P., Lahoz, M.R., White, A.W. , Kennedy, B., Slaughter, S., Cleghorn, G.D. “Students Add Value to Learning Organizations: The Medical University of South Carolina Experience. Quality Management in Health Care, April 1998, Vol. 6, No. 2, 38-43.
11. Probst, J., Baxley, E., Schell, B., Bogdewic, S.P., Cleghorn, G.D. “Organizational Environment and Teaching Quality in Family Medicine Residency Programs.” Academic Medicine, Aug. 1998, Vol. 73, No. 8, 887-893.
12. Baxley, E.G., Probst, J.C., Schell, B.J. Bogdewic, S.P., Cleghorn, G.D. “Program-Directed Faculty Development: A New Model for Faculty Development.” Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 1999, Vol. 11, No. 2., pp. 94-99.
13. Cleghorn, G. Dean, and Baker, G. Ross. “What Faculty Need to Learn About Improvement and How to Teach it to Others.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Care, May, 2000, Vol. 14, No. 2, 147-159.
14. Cleghorn, G.D. “Community Health Center Perspective, Massachusetts - Patient Care and Education: Complementary Missions of Family Health Center.” The National AHEC Bulletin, Vol. XX, No. 1, Autumn 2003, pp. 44-46.
15. Cleghorn, G.D., Nguyen, M., Duran, G., Roberts, B., Tellez, T., Alecon, M. “Practice-based Intervention to Improve Health Care for Latinos with Diabetes,” Ethnicity and Disease. Volume 14, Summer 2004, pp.S1-117 - S1-121.
16. Silka, L, Cleghorn, GD Grullon, M, Tellez, T. “Creating Community Based Participatory Research in a Diverse Community: A Case Study.”Journal of Empirical Research and Human Research Ethics, Vol. 3 No. 2, June 2008, pp. 5-16.
17. Cleghorn, GD, Lussier, J, Velez, M., Canovitch, M, Licciardello, M, and Stanlick, S. “Educating and Empowering Elders: The Impact of Community Collaboration on Health Outcomes for Senior Latino Diabetics.” Journal of Health Disparities Research, Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2008, pp. 1-16.
18. Valdini A, Early S, Augart C, Cleghorn GD, Miles HCR. Spanish Language Immersion and Reinforcement During Residency: A Model for Rapid Acquisition of Competency. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. Summer 2009.
19. Geller, J. A., Orkaby, A., Cleghorn, GD. “Impact of a Group Medical Visit Program on Latino Health Related Quality of Life”. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 7(2), March-April 2011, pp 94-99.
20. Emmons, KM, Cleghorn, GD, Tellez, T, Greaney, M, Sprunck-Harrild, K, Bastani, R, Battaglia, T, Michaelson, J, Puleo, E. “Prevalence of Multiple Cancer Screening Needs Among Community Health Center Patients: Implications for HIT Use. Submitted for publication.
Peer Reviewed Abstracts
21. Workman, E.A. and Cleghorn, G.D. “Differential Effects of Time-out and Response Cost in a Pre-school Classroom: A Natural Experiment.” Proceedings: National Association of School Psychologists Ninth Annual Convention, 142-143, March 1977.
22. Bies, J.D. and Cleghorn, G.D. “Vocational Education Model for the Handicapped: Design and Psychological Implications.” First Congress on Education Abstracts, p. 72, June 1978.
23. Cleghorn, G.D. “Utility of the PPVT in Predicting Prereading Achievement.” Proceedings: CASPP/NASP National Convention 1979, 121-122, March 1979.
24. Dismuke, S.E., Cleghorn, G.D., McClary, A., Plitman, J., Earp, J.A. “An Educational Program in Preventive Cardiology.” Clinical Research. 29:826A, 1981.
25. Abdella, T.N., Ramagli, H.J., Jr.; Cleghorn, G.D. “A Clinical Computing Course for Senior Medical Students.” Proceedings: Eleventh Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, IEEE, Computer Society, 1987.
26. Cleghorn, G.D. “Medical Manpower Prospects for the 1990s.” Proceedings: National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy of the Third District, 37-40, August 1989.
27. Buehler, J.R. and Cleghorn, G.D. “Interdisciplinary Quality Improvement Teams: An Educational Tool for Family Practice Residents.” Innovations in Medical Education, Exhibits for AAMC Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 1993.
28. Cleghorn, G.D. “Physicians, Nurses, and Administrators Improving Health Care Education—Together (Interdisciplinary Teams and Chaos), Quality Management in Health Care, The 6th Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care 1994 Abstracts, pp. 51-52.
29. Headrick, L.A., Carlson, L., Cleghorn, G.D., Davidson, S. “Interdisciplinary Education in the Continual Improvement of Health Care.” Innovations in Medical Education, Exhibits for AAMC Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 1995.
30. Geller, Jeffrey, Cleghorn, Dean; Nguyen, Meeta; Torres, Jennifer. Baseline Characteristics of Latinos with Risk Factors for Heart Disease: The Differences between Loneliness and Depression when Compared to Aspects of Health Related Quality of Life. Proceedings: North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference, New Orleans,LA, November 17-20, 2002.
31. Cleghorn, G.D. and Tellez, T. Integrating Health Education and Health Promotion to Reduce Health Disparities Related to Diabetes in a Latino Population. 23rd National Conference on Health Promotion and Education, Program and Abstracts, Minneapolis, MN, May 25, 2005, p. 46.
32. Valdini, Anthony, Augart, Carolyn, Cleghorn, G Dean. Worse Glycemic Control in Diabetic Persons Infected with Hepatitis C? 34th North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting Final Program, p. 167,, October 2006.
33. Grullon, M. and Cleghorn, G.D. “A Community and Universities Working Together to Change the Approach to Research Partnerships: The Lawrence Research Initiative Working Group.” Presentation on behalf of the Working Group, 2007 Committee on Industrial Theory and Assessment (CITA) Conference on Community-University Partnerships, April 26 & 27, 2007 University of Massachusetts, Lowell,
34. Diaz, S, Cleghorn, D, and Valdini, A. “Health Literacy among Diabetic Latino Patients Seeking Care at a Community Health Center.” 35th North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting Final Program, p. 167,, October 2007.
Nguyen, M. and Cleghorn, G.D. Obesity Rates in Children in a Predominantly Latino Community. Partnerships to Achieve Health Equity: Society for Public Health Education 58th Annual Meeting Final Program. November 1, 2007, p. 69.