Ongoing Academic Research

Ongoing Academic Research
In a field that actively improves, innovates and advances beyond its current achievements, the interdisciplinary team at UMass Chan Medical School iCELS actively partakes in collaborative academic works to improve simulation methods and learning experiences for all our learners and partners. Welcome to browse the awards, research grants, publications and presentations, as well as conference participation in this listing of academic activities over the years.

Honors & Awards
UMass Chan Medical School Chancellor’s Medal for Distinguished Teaching, 2022
UMass Manning Prize for Excellence in Teaching, UMass Chan Recipient, 2022
Presented to Melissa Fischer, MD, MEd, Professor of Medicine and Assistant Vice Provost for interprofessional and instructional innovation, for her record of innovation in course development and engagement; course coordinator and curriculum developer over many years and multiple iterations
Association of American Medical Colleges Curricular Innovation Award, 2018
Presented to (then) UMass Chan Medical School for its Opioid Safe-prescribing Training Immersion (OSTI) program, which curriculum features standardized patients, manikin and hybrid simulations at iCELS as part of a tremendous example of interprofessional partnership across the institution.
Outstanding Educator Award, 2014
Presented to Wendy Gammon, MA, MEd, Director Standardized Patient: Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) International Conference
Best in Show, 2013
Serious Games and Virtual Environment, International Meeting Society for Simulation in Healthcare: On Call Emergency Triage Communication Game – Massachusetts Digital Games Institute and UMass Chan Medical School. January 2013
Category Winner, 2013
Mass DiGi Digital Games Institute Game Challenge 2013: Serious Games. Pediatric Research in Disaster. 2013
Research Grants
6/30/2014 – 7/1/2015 Inter-Professional Education (IPEG) Grants sponsored by UMass Chan Medical School. PI: Nancy Morris, PhD, ANP; Co-PI: Erika Oleson, DO, MS. Interprofessional Synergy Dementia Learning Module.
- 6/30/2014 – 7/1/2015 Inter-Professional Education (IPEG) Grants sponsored by UMass Chan Medical School. PI: Jennifer Reidy, MD, MS FAAHPM; Co-PI: Jean Boucher, PhD RN, Majid Yazdani, MD. Teaching effective goals-of-care conversations using simulation and an advance care planning tool.
- 10/04/13-10/01/14 UMass Memorial Health Care Risk Management Grant Program. A Comprehensive Simulation-based Disclosure and Apology Training Program:Improving quality of care and loss prevention through disclosure and apology skills practice and the training of "disclosure coaches".
- 05/06/13-03/31/14 UMASS Clinical and Translational Science Award (UMASS CTSA) Pilot Award Program. A Community-engaged and Simulation-based Intervention for Culturally Appropriate Informed Consent.
- 08/01/10-08/01/13 UMass Chan Medical School, Brown Medical School, Yale Medical School. Emergency Medical Services for Children H34MC19349. Pediatric Research in Disaster Education. Comparing triage strategies and developing curriculum for prehospital professionals.
- 08/01/12-08/01/13 UMass Memorial Health Care Risk Management Grant Program. A Comprehensive Simulation-based CVC Training Program to improve patient safety through technical skills practice, interprofessional team training and enhanced patient communication.
- 05/01/11-05/01/12 Ethicon Endosurgical/Johnson & Johnson. A Comprehensive Simulation Based Course to Improve Quality and Safety inProcedural Sedation.
- 01/01/07-01/01/08 University of Massachusetts Information Technology Council. Academic Technology. A Multidisciplinary Simulator Based Approach for Teaching and Learning Central Venous Catheter Insertion.
- 06/01/03-01/31/06 UMass Chan Medical School. Edward J. Stemmler, Medical Education Research Fund of the National Board of Medical Examiners. Using Standardized Patients to Assess Professionalism: A Comparative Analysis of Two Approaches
Recent Publications & Presentations: 2015-Present
- Danila MI, Allison JJ, Valentine Goins K, Chiriboga G, Fischer M, Puliafico M, Mudano AS, Rahn EJ, Merchant J, Lawrence CE, Dunkel L, Israel T, Barton B, Jenoure F, Alexander T, Cruz D, Douglas M, Sims J, Richmond A, Roberson ED, Chambless C, Harris PA, Saag KG, Lemon SC. Strengthening Research in Diverse Enrollment (STRIDE): Development of a Multi-component Intervention to Promote Participation of Blacks and Latinx Individuals in Biomedical Research. J Clin Transl Sci. 2021 Jun 14;5(1):e134. doi: 10.1017/cts.2021.797. PMID: 34367678; PMCID: PMC8327553.
Wallace PM, Warrier S, Kahn MJ, Welsh C, Fischer M. Developing an opioid curriculum for medical students: A consensus report from a national symposium. SubstAbus. 2019. Jul 17:1-7. Doi: 10.1080/08897077.2019.1635971
Formalizing individualized feedback to your SPs: Managing performance appraisals for each SP in a large SP program. Fischer, M., Loh, Jenny., Puliafico, M., Stanhope, S. Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 8-11, 2019.
Memory Tools that Standardized Patients Use to Improve Scoring Accuracy at Clinical Simulations. Fischer, M., Loh, Jenny., Puliafico, M., Stanhope, S. Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 8-11, 2019.
Training progression: Moving SPs from new hires to skillful SPs to instructors/facilitators. Fischer, M., Loh, Jenny., Puliafico, M., Stanhope, S. Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 8-11, 2019.
- Melissa Fischer, Nasim Gorji, Patricia Seymour, Trenton Taros, Anne Weaver, Jorge Yarzebski Jr. Simulation in Medical Education. Curriculum ReVolution by Office of Undergraduate Medical Education at UMass Chan Medical School. Podcast on April 9th, 2021. Accessible online at
Methods to Build an Agile Standardized Patient Workforce for Large Scale Interprofessional Training. Fischer, M., Terrien, J., Delaney-Magee, A. & Stanhope, S. Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, June 17-20, 2018
Terrien, J., Boucher, J., Carpenter, D., Dick, K., Feeney, S., Fischer, M., Pugnaire, M., & Sullivan, M. A Review of Competencies in an Interprofessional Opioid and Safe Prescribing Training Immersion Program (OSTI). American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) National Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June 20-25, 2017
Fischer M, Pugnaire M, Terrien J. Teamwork in Action: UMass Chan Medical School Educating Future Prescribers to Combat the Opioid Crisis, Worcester Medicine, November/December 2016.
- Terrien J, Fraser Hale J, Cahan M, Quirk M, Sullivan K, Lewis J. The impact of deliberate reflection with WISE-MDTM modules on critical thinking of nurse practitioner students: A prospective, randomized controlled pilot study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice (Online) 18, Oct 2015
- Manuel-Smith M, Philbin M, Dinh A, Zgurzynski P, Jonassen J, Fischer M. Assessing the short-term and long-term efficacy of disaster medicine training and education at the University of Massachusetts. Poster, NEGEA 2015.
- Hawthorne MR, Chretien KC, Torre D, Chheda SG. Re-demonstration without remediation--a missed opportunity? A national survey of internal medicine clerkship directors. Med Educ Online. 2014 Dec 10;19:25991. doi: 10.3402/meo.v19.25991. PMID: 25500150; PMCID: PMC4263902. Accessible online at
Prior Publications & Presentations: 2014 & Before
- Ndiwane, A. Koul, O., & Theroux, R. (2014). Implementing Standardized Patients to Teach Cultural Competency to Graduate Nursing Student. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 10(2), e87-e94.
- Cicero, M, Brown, L, Overly, F, Yarzebski, J, Garrett, A, et al. Creation and Delphi-Method Refinement of Pediatric Disaster Triage Simulations. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2014 Jan 8.
- Yarzebski, J, Gammon, W. Flying High: Integrating hybrid simulation modalities in training programs for flight medics and other critical care transport specialists. 12th Annual Conference of the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE). June 23 – 26, 2013. Atlanta, Georgia. Poster Presentation
- Yarzebski, J, Gammon, W. Improving pediatric disaster triage education in the pre-hospital setting using standardized patients. 12th Annual Conference of the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE). June 23 – 26, 2013. Atlanta, Georgia. Poster Presentation
- McGee, S., Reidy, J., Yazdani, M., Gallagher, J., Hunter, L. Difficult Conversations: A Pilot Geriatric Medicine/Palliative Care Formative Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Grapevine, TX, May 2013
- Taylor M, Sharma M, Walsh B, Loew T, Pugnaire M, Cotnoir P. A Serious Game for Learning Team Communication Skills. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL, January 26-30, 2013
- Howard, E, McGee, S, Jonassen, J, Oleson, E, Burnham, C and Pugnaire, M. (2012). Integration of Elder Abuse and Neglect into a Domestic Violence Curriculum. POGOe - Portal of Geriatric Online Education. Retrieved August 27, 2012 from
- McGee, S., Gammon, W., Keough, M., Burnham, C., Chimienti, S., Yazdani, M., Gallagher, J., Reidy, J., Zanetti, M., Gurwitz, J., Pugnaire, M. Pilot Formative Hybrid Simulation for Sub Interns. American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May 2012
- Reidy, J., McGee, S., Yazdani, M., Chojar, N., Donahue, C., Gallagher, J., Gammon, W., Howard, E., Zanetti, M. Using simulation to teach goals-of-care discussion with seriously ill patients. Harvard Macy Institute Program for Educators in the Health Professions, Cambridge, MA, May 2012
- Cicero M, Brown L, Overly F, Yarzebski JD. Creation and Delphi Method Refinement of Prehospital Pediatric Disaster Triage Simulations. PAS, April 2012
- Gammon, W., Lopez, C., Spain, A. IMSH Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator-Advanced Application and Portfolio Development Workshop. 12th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) January 28 to February 1, 2012. San Diego, California.
- Aponte A, Yarzebski JD. Percutaneous Suprapubic Cystostomy. In Irwin R, Lilly C, Rippe JM, editors. 6th Edition of the Manual of Intensive Care Medicine, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
- Seymour-Route, P; Hale, JF; Pugnaire, M; and Kneeland, M. (2012). Chapter 12. Interprofessional education: The role of accelerated nursing programs in preparing the nurse of the future. In Zhan, L and Finch, L. Accelerated Education in Nursing: Challenges, Strategies, and Future Directions. New York: Springer Publishing Company
- Gammon, W., McGee, S., Pugnaire, M. Geriatric SPs Working Successfully with Your Senior Boomers. 10th Anniversary ASPE Conference, Nashville, TN, Jun 5-8, 2011.
- McGee, S., Twomey, J., Hawthorne, M., Gammon, W., Keough, M.E.; DuBeau, C., Gurwitz, J., Pugnaire M. Formative Geriatric OSCE for Third Year Medicine Clerkship. Presidential Poster Session, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, May 2011
- SM McGee, W Gammon. Mixing It Up: Using Hybrid Simulations in Undergraduate Education. Landon Center on Aging Educational Retreat – Kansas University Medical Center Interprofessional Health Science Education. June 10 – 12, 2011, Excelsior Springs, Missouri
- Gammon, W, McGee S, Chimienti, S, Taylor, M, Fabiny, A, Gordon, J, Pugnaire MP, supported by DW Reynolds Foundation. Simulation in Geriatric Education: A Hybrid OSCE Blending Standardized Patients and Mannequin Technology. 11th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) New Orleans, LA, January 23-25 2011.
- Shah, A; Taylor, M; Callaghan, K; Young, S. Development of a Pelvic Model for Simulation Based Education. Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, sponsored by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
- Walsh, B; Taylor, M. In-Situ Simulation: A Novel Approach to Mobile Simulation for Pediatrics. Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, sponsored by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
- Gammon, W., McGee S., Chimienti, S., Taylor, M., Fabiny, A., Gordon, J., Pugnaire M., supported by DW Reynolds Foundation. Simulation in Geriatric Education: A Hybrid OSCE Blending Standardized Patients and Mannequin Technology. 11th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) New Orleans, LA, January 23-25 2011.
- W Gammon, S McGee, M Taylor, S Chimienti, A Fabiny, J Gordon. Teaching Geriatric Education With a Hybrid OSCE Blending Standardized Patients and Mannequin Technology. 11th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH. Jan 21-26, 2011. New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Goedecke E, Courtney J, Aghababian RV, Hildebrand J, Yarzebski JD, Yarzebski JL. Improving Pediatric Mass Casualty Training in Guatemala: A Pilot Study. NAEMSP, Annual Meeting, January 2011
- Zanetti, M.L., Keller, L., Mazor, K., Carlin, M., Alper, E., Hatem, D., Gammon, W., & Pugnaire, M.P. (2010). Using Standardized Patients to Assess Professionalism: A Generalizability Study. Teaching & Learning in Medical Education, 22(4):274-9, Oct 2010.
- DuBeau, C, McGee, S, Keough, M, Twomey, J, Pugnaire, M, Gurwitz, J, Hawthorne, M, Gammon, W. Formative Geriatric OSCE for Third Year Medicine Clerkship. Division of Geriatric Medicine, Division of Research and Evaluation, Department of Medicine, Office of Educational Affairs UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA 2010
- McGee. S., Gammon, W., Keough, M.E., DuBeau, C., Pugnaire, M., & Gurwitz, J. (2010). Challenges and strategies when working with "geriatric" standardized patients (SPs). Presentation at the American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting 2010.
- Aghababian RV, Ducanto J, Yarzebski JD. Special Interactive Exhibit, Demonstrating the preparation and management during transport of a critically ill patient who is being sent to a tertiary care facility – Integration of Medical Education and Technology. Recent Innovations. American Society of Internal Artificial Organs, Baltimore MD, May 2010.
- McGee, S., Gammon, W., Keough, M.E., DuBeau, C., Gurwitz, J., Pugnaire, M. Challenges and Strategies When Working with Geriatric Standardized Patients (SPs). American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2010.
- Taylor M., Sweeney WB. Development of a Model for Pre-Sacral Hemorrhage. Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, sponsored by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL, January 2010.
- Zanetti, ML, Sefton, LA, McGee, SM, Sweeney, WB, Taylor, M, Pasquale, S, Pugnaire, MP. An Institutionally-Supported Simulation Center: Keys to Success. Poster 120th AAMC Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 9, 2009.
- Cantrell, M., Gammon, W. Gephardt, G. Postgraduate Course (Pre Conference Course) Standardized Patients & Multi-Modality Simulation. 9th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Jan 11–14, 2009. Lake Buena Vista, Florida
- Pasquale, S., Pugnaire, M.; Nahmias, J.; Taylor, M.; McGee, S.; Maykel, J., Sweeney, W.B. Students as Educators: A medical school enrichment elective combining educational principles with teaching opportunities using simulation. 9th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Lake Buena Vista, FL., January 2009.
- Sweeney, W, Pasquale, S, Nahmias, J, Taylor, M, McGee, S, Pugnaire, M. Students as Educators: A Medical School Enrichment Elective Combining Educational Principles with Teaching Opportunities Using Simulation. 9th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Lake Buena Vista, FL January 10-14, 2009.
- McGee, S., Pasquale, S., Cahan, M., Larkin, A., Taylor, M., Terrien, J., Zanetti, M., Riza, L. A Multidisciplinary Simulator Approach for Teaching and Learning Central Venous Catheter (CVC) Insertion. Poster Session Ninth Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 2009.
- Sweeney, B, Pasquale, S, Nahmias, J, Taylor, M, Cahan, M, McGee, S, Pugnaire, M. Surgical Simulation Scenarios: Integrating Technical Skill Simulation into a Busy Surgical Clerkship. 9th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Lake Buena Vista, FL January 10-14, 2009.
- Sweeney, B, Taylor, M, McGee, S, Pugnaire, M. Defining and Categorizing Technical Skills Required for Medical Student Graduation Based on Simulation. 9th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Lake Buena Vista, FL January 10-14, 2009.
- King, A., Gammon, W., Loprieato, J., Pohl, H. Developing Case Material for Performance Based Assessments: Standardized Patients and Simulators. Annual meeting of the Association of Standardized Patient Educators. 29 June – 2 July, 2008. San Antonio, Texas
- McGee, S., Pasquale, S., Riza, L. A Multidisciplinary Simulator-Based Approach for Teaching and Learning Central Venous Catheter Insertion. University of Massachusetts Technology Conference, April 2008
- Mazor KM, Zanetti ML, Alper EJ, Hatem D, Barrett SV, Meterko V, Gammon W, Pugnaire MP. Assessing Professionalism in the Context of an OSCE: An In-Depth Study of the Rating Process. Medical Education. 41:331-340; 2007
- Pugnaire M. More than Just Manikins: An Overview of Medical Simulation. Worcester Medicine Science Corner. 70 (5), September/October 2006.
Last Updated Jan 1st, 2023
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