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PWC Supports Girls Inc

The Professional Women’s Committee is supporting Girls Inc. of Worcester again this year, but because of the pandemic, it will look a little different.  Girls Inc. is looking for help this holiday season to support the growing needs of our girls and families during this ongoing crisis. You can help by supporting a virtual drive with your colleagues and friends or purchasing items yourself from Girls Inc.’s Amazon Wishlist.

In order for the Professional Women’s Committee and Girls Inc. of Worcester to have an idea of how much you plan to give, please fill out this form below. We will share this list with Girls Inc Worcester as an approximate amount of gifts from UMass Chan.

Please see the flier! Girls Inc. of Worcester- How You Can Help! Winter 2020.pdf


"Help our girls stay warm this winter and help our girls celebrate the holidays with the gift of books!"

Winter Gear for Girls Inc. of Worcester – Amazon Wish List  – Items are from $10 to $50 (UMass Chan-PWC Pledge here).

“Winter Gear” will help our girls have the right cold-weather clothes to be able to play outside both here and at school. At Girls Inc. of Worcester, physical activity is part of the "STRONG" portion of our mission. Please include your name and contact information as part of your order (as a note to Girls Inc.) so they can thank you for your generosity." We will email this to you, but you may see the items here: Amazon Holiday Gear Wishlist

Holiday Book – Amazon Wish List  – Items are from $6 to $20 (UMass Chan-PWC Pledge here).

"Holiday Book Wish List" is to help support Girls Inc. of Worcester's Stepping up for Books holiday party! Girls Inc. encourages reading and books to make a special holiday treat for girls to read during their winter break. Thank you for purchasing one (or more) books to provide to our girls. Please include your name and contact information as part of your order (as a note to Girls Inc.) We want to be sure to thank you for your generosity." Book Wishlist for Holiday Gifts

In-Kind Gifts
Winter Gear for Girls Inc. of Worcester: Much needed items include but are not limited to new books and winter clothes. Items should be appropriate for girls ages 5-18. In order to keep girls safe, Girls Inc. asks that donation drop-offs be coordinated ahead of time or purchased/delivered through the store of your choice.  Details will be mailed to you when you submit this survey or you may go to
(UMass Chan-PWC Pledge here).