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Connective Issues: A UMass Chan diversity and inclusion blog

Connective Issues:

A UMass Chan diversity and inclusion blog 

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    Pipeline programs essential to results for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts

    Pipeline Programs aid in diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism

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    UMass Chan community reflects on the war in the Middle East

    This newsletter was created by our Diversity and Inclusion Office to serve as a platform for the often-unheard voices of individuals living in the margins whose stories are integral to our shared human experience and align with the values and mission of our institution. In this special issue, we seek to do just that by focusing on a story of great breadth and timeliness: the crisis in Israel and Palestine. Through the powerful voices of our community, we aim to shed light on the diverse and nuanced ways individuals within our community have been shaped and transformed because of this long and ongoing crisis.

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