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The UMass Chan Dermatology Residency Program provides residents with access to a comprehensive range of facilities to support their training and development. These facilities include:

  • General and Pediatric Dermatology Clinics: Residents will gain experience diagnosing and treating a wide variety of skin conditions in both adult and pediatric patients.
  • Phototherapy Center: This facility offers access to state-of-the-art equipment for light therapy, a valuable tool for treating certain skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.
  • Laser Center: Residents will have the opportunity to learn and utilize laser technology for various dermatologic procedures.
  • Dermatologic Surgical Center: This dedicated space allows residents to gain experience in performing a range of surgical procedures for skin conditions.
  • Library/Conference Room: Residents have access to a well-equipped library with dermatology-specific resources and a dedicated conference room for educational seminars and discussions.
  • Resident Offices: Individual office space provides residents with a dedicated area for studying, charting, and personal work.
  • Faculty Offices: Easy access to faculty offices fosters close mentorship and collaboration between residents and attending physicians.

This comprehensive suite of facilities ensures that UMass Chan Dermatology residents receive a well-rounded education and gain valuable hands-on experience in all aspects of dermatologic care.