Gray Water is Green for Power Plant
A first-of-its-kind “gray water” pipeline for the Medical School is now being installed to reduce the amount of fresh water the campus power plant uses while generating steam, electricity and chilled water.
This Summer Consider Composting
With summer nearly upon us, and the yard work in high gear, it’s time to think about what to do with all that yard waste. Rather than raking, bagging and hauling the waste to a landfill, or to the curb for collection, a more sustainable option to consider is composting.
Answering the Call2Recycle
A new program, operated by the nonprofit organization Call2Recycle, being rolled out at the University Campus, promises to streamline the recycling of rechargeable batteries and provide a useful second life for these items.
Earth Day at the Medical School 2011
On April 20, both Medical School lobbies were filled for much of the day as more than 1,000 people streamed through the sixth annual Earth Day celebration. Among the most active spots at the event this year was the drop-off for old home electronics.