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April 2011: Vol.2, Issue 2


Bring Your Electronic Recyclables to Work Day

Bring Your Electronic Recyclables to Work Day 

Wait! Don’t toss that old microwave into the trash! Don’t chuck those dead batteries or those busted speakers. There’s a better place for them than the local landfill: Bring them to campus Wednesday, April 20.

Earth Day Celebration 2011

Earth Day Celebration 2011

The UMass Chan Medical School’s annual Earth Day celebration is set for Wednesday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Medical School building’s lobbies, both new and old.

A Real Turn-Off that Makes Sense

A Real Turn-Off that Makes Sense

Call them green myth-busters, patrolling the cubicles and offices of the Medical School in search of desktop computers and peripherals that lay awake all night wasting energy.

Wind Study Launched, Just in Case...

Wind Study Launched, Just In Case …

The Medical School has started a wind study on campus, installing anemometers designed to measure wind speed and direction on the top levels of the South Road and First Road parking garages.




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