Bring Your Electronic Recyclables to Work Day
Wait! Don’t toss that old microwave into the trash! Don’t chuck those dead batteries or those busted speakers. There’s a better place for them than the local landfill: Bring them to campus Wednesday, April 20.
Earth Day Celebration 2011
The UMass Chan Medical School’s annual Earth Day celebration is set for Wednesday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Medical School building’s lobbies, both new and old.
A Real Turn-Off that Makes Sense
Call them green myth-busters, patrolling the cubicles and offices of the Medical School in search of desktop computers and peripherals that lay awake all night wasting energy.
Wind Study Launched, Just In Case …
The Medical School has started a wind study on campus, installing anemometers designed to measure wind speed and direction on the top levels of the South Road and First Road parking garages.