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May 2010: Vol.1, Issue 5



Earth Day 2010, Growing Greener

More than 1,000 people from all corners of the University Campus streamed through the Earth Day celebration on April 22, where more than 50 local organizations and campus departments offered a full spectrum of products, services and information to help the community grow a little greener.


Pigging Out On Campus Scraps

Local pigs are now getting fat eating food scraps from the University Campus kitchens thanks to a new composting program that began in April in cooperation with Tyde Brook Farm in Holden.


Recycling Expands In Clinical Areas

Recycling now extends across the University Campus with April’s roll-out of a co-mingled recycling program by UMass Memorial Medical Center to align with a similar program already in place at the Medical School.


SWAP: Surplus With A Purpose

Got an extra microscope or file cabinet sitting around not being used? Why not SWAP it?



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