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Skeff: The Learning Climate

The positive learning environment is one in which the learner is able to comfortably and safely acquire content-specific skills while addressing his or her own limitations. The role of the teacher is to model enthusiasm for the content and setting toward creating an environment that stresses the importance of respectful education-based conversation. When teaching, ask yourself, "Do my learners seem to want to be here?" If not, you may need to work on your learning climate.

  • The enthusiastic teacher stimulates interest in the process of learning
  • Mutual respect exchange between teacher and learner encourages the learner to identify and address his or her own limitations
  • Direct teacher-learner discussion allows for “wrong answers” that can be rectified safely. 
    • note: If more than one learner is involved in the discussion, the teacher should be sensitive to the dynamic when correcting mistakes. Maintaining a positive learning environment in this case impacts the learning of all group members.
  • Teachers should consider the physical space. Is there room for teaching? Can the learners be arranged such that all can participate?

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The Seven-Component Framework to Enhance Teaching Effectiveness


Skeff, K. M. (1988). Enhancing teaching effectiveness and vitality in the ambulatory setting. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 3, S26-S33.