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Skeff: Control of the Teaching Session

The efficient teaching session is centered around the teacher’s ability to keep the teacher and the learner “on task” while also addressing relevant content topics. The role of the teacher is to appropriately assess and recognize learner experience levels; set appropriate and specific objectives, adjusting these on the fly; model enthusiasm for the best practices in teaching and learning; and to allocate learner-specific teaching time.

  • An agenda based on the level and experience of the learners that includes essential content allows for more even-paced, efficient interaction
  • Less experienced learners often require more teaching time - plan extra time in advance
  • Engage all levels of learners to share their knowledge and expertise
  • Match at least some teaching points with relevant patient care needs

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The Seven-Component Framework to Enhance Teaching Effectiveness


Skeff, K. M. (1988). Enhancing teaching effectiveness and vitality in the ambulatory setting. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 3, S26-S33.