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Grant-Funded Initiatives

Advancing Geriatrics Education

A model curriculum across the medical education continuum

Massachusetts Consortium NIDA Center of Excellence for Physician Information

The Massachusetts Consortium NIDA Center of Excellence(CoE) is a statewide consortium committed to the advancement of initiatives in medical education research across the Commonwealth’s four medical schools in the area of prescription drug abuse education targeting medical students and primary care residents.

Participating schools include: UMass Chan Medical School (lead school); Boston University School of MedicineTufts University School of Medicine; and Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance.

Massachusetts Consortium AMA iSTEP

Faculty Development to Enhance Humanistic Teaching in Medical Schools

Innovations in Medical Education Grants (IMEG)

Instruction in Airway Assessment and Management with High Fidelity Simulation
Funded by: Innovations in Medical Education Grant (IMEG) Program awarded through the UMass Chan Medical School; Office of Medical Education (Office of Educational Affairs)