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T.H. Chan School of Medicine Faculty (M)

As provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs on December 10, 2010

Yunsheng Ma, MD, PhD, MPH, associate professor of medicine

Duncan C. MacCourt, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Christine O. Macginnis, DO, assistant professor of medicine

Harry A. MacKay, PhD, adjunct professor of psychiatry

Heather Mackey-Fowler, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Sue Ann Macmaster, MD, assistant professor of radiology

Merle Macneil, MD, instructor in medicine

Alison C. Madden, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

John Mark Madison, MD, professor of medicine and microbiology & physiological systems

Lawrence C. Madoff, MD, professor of medicine

Emmanuel Maduakor, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Brian J. Mady, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Dale B. Magee, MD, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

David P. Magit, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

David Maguire, MD, instructor in medicine

Kiame J. Mahaniah, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Alexander Mahendran, MBBS, instructor in medicine

Kelby G. Maher, DO, affiliate in pediatrics

William S. Maher, MD, instructor in medicine

Paul W. Mak, PhD, research assistant professor of cancer biology

Tony Makdisi, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Dennis W. Maki, MD, instructor in medicine

Talal Makkaoui, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Suzan Makowski, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Joseph Makris, MD, assistant professor of radiology and pediatrics

Thu T. Malikowski, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Robert Malinowski, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Indrani Malkani, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Prakash Malkani , MD, assistant professor of radiology

Samir Malkani, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Leslie E. Malkiewich, PhD, affiliate in psychiatry

Mary Elizabeth Maloney, MD, professor of medicine

Robert E. Maloney, MD, affiliate in medicine

Eileen E. Maltais, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Bruce J. Man, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Gertrude W. Manchester, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Pavan Manchikalapati, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Lee A. Mancini, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Divakar Mandapati, MD, clinical associate professor of surgery

Elisabet Mandon, PhD, research associate professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Pranoti Mandrekar, PhD, research associate professor of medicine

Virginia B. Mangolds, MS, instructor in emergency medicine

David Mangus, PhD, research assistant professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Sukhpal S. Mann, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Joan B. Mannick, MD, associate professor of medicine and cell biology

Gordon S. Manning, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Margaret M. Manning, instructor in psychiatry

Mark J. Manning, DO, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Thomas D. Manning, MA, instructor in psychiatry

Mariann M. Manno, MD, clinical associate professor of pediatrics and emergency medicine

Mary Elise Manuell, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Junhao Mao, PhD, assistant professor of cancer biology

Carlos C. Maramag Jr., MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Louise Maranda, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Elliott M. Marcus, MD, professor emeritus of neurology

Laurie J. Marin, DO, assistant professor of medicine

Martin G. Marinus, PhD, professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Herbert G. Markley, MD, affiliate in neurology

Myron Maron, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Richard V. Marseglia, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Wendy K. Marsh, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Paul C. Marshall, MD, associate professor of pediatrics and neurology

William Marshall, MD, associate professor of medicine

Hayley Marshall-Drohan, DO, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Gregory Martens, PhD, instructor in medicine

Elaine Martin, DA, research assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Gilles E. Martin, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Madelena M. Martin, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Maurice Martin, MD, affiliate in family medicine & community health

Stephen A. Martin, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Suzanne Martin, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Edith H. Mas, MS, MSW, RN, instructor in family medicine & community health

Jeanne D. Mase, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Edward Mason, MD, professor emeritus of psychiatry

Allen Y. Masry, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Daniel R. Massarelli, MD, instructor in medicine

Francesca Massi, PhD, assistant professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Richard G. Masson, MD, associate professor of medicine

Theofilos P. Matheos, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Anuja Mathew, PhD, assistant professor of medicine

Bonnie L. Mathews, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Anupam Mathur, MD, instructor in medicine

Zdenka Matijasevic, PhD, research assistant professor of cell biology

Alexander Matolcsy, MD, adjunct clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine

Krista Matsen, MD, instructor in pediatrics

David M. Matson, DMD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Charles Robert Matthews, PhD, the Arthur F. and Helen P. Koskinas Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology and chair and professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Eric J. Matthews, DO, assistant professor of medicine

Julia A. Matthews-Bellinger, MD, PhD, clinical associate professor of psychiatry

Raimis Matulionis, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology and surgery

Bela T. Matyas, MD, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Thomas Mayer, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Justin A. Maykel, MD, assistant professor of surgery

David A. Mazin, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Kathleen Mazor, EdD, associate professor of medicine

Holly Mazur, MD, instructor in medicine

Beth Kurtz Mazyck, MD, clinical associate professor of family medicine & community health

Jeanne McBride, RN, MMHS, instructor in family medicine & community health

Frank J. McCabe, MD, assistant professor of ophthalmology and surgery

Peter McCaffery, PhD, adjunct associate professor of cell biology

John Baird McCahan, MD, instructor in medicine and pediatrics

Vinetta Marie McCann, RNCS, DNP, assistant professor of the Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing and surgery

Robert F. McCarron, MD, clinical associate professor of emergency medicine

Dannel McCollum, PhD, professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Peter C. McConarty, MD, clinical associate professor of family medicine & community health

Beth A. McCormick, PhD, professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Michael J. McCormick, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Jeanne M. McCoy, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Roderick McCoy, PhD, assistant professor of medicine

John R. McCullough, PhD, professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Theodore P. McDade, MD, instructor in surgery

Christopher McDermott, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Caroline McDonald, MS, BSN, instructor in pediatrics

Patrick Michael McEnaney, MD, assistant professor of surgery

David L. McGarry, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Sarah McGee, MD, MPH, clinical associate professor of medicine

Joseph C. McGill, LICSW, assistant professor of psychiatry

Gerald T. McGillicuddy, MD, assistant professor of surgery

William G. McGimpsey, PhD, adjunct research professor of anesthesiology

Elizabeth McGovern, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Caroline McGrath, RN, BSN, clinical instructor in psychiatry

Brenda McHugh, MD, affiliate in pediatrics

Christine McHugh-Purington, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

William McIlvane, PhD, professor of psychiatry

John K. McIlwaine, DO, assistant professor of surgery

Michael R. McInerney, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Colleen E. McKay, MA, instructor in psychiatry

Jacquelyn Ruth McKean, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Karl K. McKinstry, PhD, instructor in pathology

Francis J. McLaughlin, MD, affiliate in family medicine & community health

Thomas J. McLaughlin, DSc, professor of pediatrics and psychiatry

William J. McLaughlin, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Ellen M. McMahon, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

David D. McManus, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Diana Kershaw McManus, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Erin M. McMaster, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Siobhan M. McNally, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Mariah McNamara, MD, MPH, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Patricia McQuilkin, MD, clinical associate professor of pediatrics

Mary A. Medeiros, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Anila Z. Medina, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine

Ricardo F. Medina, PhD, instructor in cell biology

Safdar Medina, MD, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics

Savant Mehta, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Carlos Melero-Montes, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Haley E. Melikian, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Craig C. Mello, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, the Blais University Chair in Molecular Medicine and distinguished professor of molecular medicine and cell biology

Bruce M. Meltzer, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry and pediatrics

Glenn A. Meltzer, MD, affiliate in ophthalmology

Aaron M. Mendel, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Joseph J. Mendola, PhD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Michelle L. Mendoza, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Mercedes Menendez, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Jianmin Meng, MD, PhD, instructor in medicine

Fred E. Mensch, MD, instructor in medicine

Nicholas M. Mercadante, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Arthur M. Mercurio, PhD, chair ad interim and professor of cancer biology

Philip Merriam, MS, assistant professor of medicine

Virginia Merritt, MD, instructor in psychiatry

Louis M. Messina, MD, professor of surgery

Peter W. Metz, MD, clinical professor of psychiatry and pediatrics

Jeffrey N. Metzmaker, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Theo E. Meyer, MD, PhD, professor of medicine

Julie E. Meyers, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Basil M. Michaels, MD, clinical assistant professor of surgery

Jennifer Michaels, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Alan D. Michelson, MBBS, adjunct professor of pediatrics, medicine, pathology and surgery

Eric O. Mick, ScD, associate professor of quantitative health sciences and psychiatry

Shirley Ann Mietlicki-Floyd, MD, instructor in medicine

Andrew J. Miller, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Daniel Miller, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Donald H. Miller, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Julianne Miller, MD, affiliate in psychiatry

Pamela E. Miller, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Stephen C. Miller, PhD, assistant professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Merleen A. Mills, LICSW, MSW, instructor in psychiatry

Morris M. Milman, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Andrew M. Milsten, MD, associate professor of emergency medicine

Peter J. Miotto, MD, assistant professor of surgery

Santiago P. Miro, MD, assistant professor of radiology

Patricia M. Miron, PhD, clinical associate professor of pathology and pediatrics

Ashwini Mishra, PhD, instructor in molecular medicine

Lisa A. Mistler, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Ann L. Mitchell, MD, clinical associate professor of neurology

Kenneth P. Mitchell, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Marvin L. Mitchell, MD, professor of pediatrics

Michael J. Mitchell, MD, clinical associate professor of pathology

Teresa V. Mitchell, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Joyeeta Mitra, PhD, instructor in radiology

Monika Mitra, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Kevin G. Mitts, MD, clinical assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Gary S. Moak, MD, clinical associate professor of psychiatry

Munir Mobassaleh, MD, adjunct assistant professor of pediatrics

Mark D. Modell, MS, assistant professor of medicine

John Modica, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Rebecca L. Moles, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Jane A. Molinari, MD, instructor in obstetrics & gynecology

Valerie Molinaro-Gudas, RN, OD, CCHP, instructor in family medicine & community health

Deborah C. Molrine, MD, MPH, associate professor of pediatrics

Brian Mongillo, MD, instructor in emergency medicine

Janaki Moni, MD, clinical associate professor of radiation oncology

Brian Monks, BS, MS, instructor in medicine

Jahan Montague, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Martin A. Montecino, PhD, adjunct professor of cell biology

Anthony M. Montoya, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Majaz Moonis, MD, professor of neurology and psychiatry

Constance M. Moore, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry

Harold R. Moore, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Melissa J. Moore, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Robert R. Moore, MD, PhD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Robert D. Moore, MD, assistant professor of surgery

Tiffany A. Moore Simas, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology and pediatrics

Ann M. Moormann, PhD, MPH, associate professor of pediatrics and quantitative health sciences

Maria A. Morabito, PhD, assistant professor of cell biology

Nader A. Morad, MD, clinical associate professor of pathology

Peter W. Moran, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Susan P. Moran, MD, instructor in medicine

Terence E. Moran, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health and pediatrics

John P. Mordes, MD, professor of medicine

Ellen S. More, PhD, professor of psychiatry

Valerie Moreland, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Richard Moriarty, MD, clinical professor of pediatrics

Dean A. Morrel, DO, affiliate in family medicine & community health

Jane G. Morris, MD, assistant professor of neurology

Lisa M. Morris, MS, instructor in family medicine & community health

Madeline B. Morris, MD, affiliate in pediatrics

Trudy G. Morrison, PhD, professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Leonard J. Morse, MD, clinical professor of medicine and family medicine & community health

Michael Mortelliti, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Errol Mortimer, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation and pediatrics

Richard P. Moser, MD, professor of surgery and radiation oncology

Alan P. Moss, MD, assistant professor of ophthalmology

Lawrence J. Moss, MD, associate professor of radiology

Mathew J. Most, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Kamel Mostafa, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Patrice M. Muchowski, DSc, affiliate in psychiatry

Susanne Muehlschlegel, MD, assistant professor of neurology, anesthesiology and surgery

Christian P. Mueller, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Jayanta T. Mukherjee, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Marie T. Mullen, MD, clinical associate professor of emergency medicine

Christian Muller, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics

William G. Muller, MD, clinical professor of medicine

Daniel J. Mullin, PsyD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Thomas F. Mullins III, MD, clinical associate professor of neurology

John Francis Mulqueen, MD, affiliate in pediatrics

Denise L. Mumley, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Ramesh R. Mundra, MBBS, affiliate in pediatrics

Maryann Munson, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology and cell biology

Kamala Murali, MD, affiliate in pathology

Boris A. Murillo, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Dennis Edward Murphy, MD, instructor in medicine

Elizabeth A. Murphy, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Helene K. Murphy, MEd, LSW, instructor in family medicine & community health

Kara M. Murphy, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Kenan C. Murphy, PhD, assistant professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Kevin R. Murphy, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry

Peter J. Murphy, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Putcha R. Murthy, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Mohammed Mushtaque, MBBS, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Aviva Must, PhD, adjunct professor of family medicine & community health

Joseph D. Musto, PhD, adjunct clinical associate professor of pathology