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T.H. Chan School of Medicine Faculty (I, J, K)

As provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs on December 10, 2010

Ronald A. Ignotz, PhD, adjunct assistant professor of cell biology

Eric S. Iida, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Gayatridevi Ika, MBBS, assistant professor of medicine

Mitsuo Ikebe, PhD, professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Anthony N. Imbalzano, PhD, professor of cell biology

Aqueel Imran, MD, instructor in medicine

Premananda Pai Indic, PhD, research assistant professor of neurology

Mary Innis, MSN, RN, instructor in psychiatry

Carolina Ionete, MD, PhD, clinical associate professor of neurology

Ronald M. Iorio, PhD, professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Yicktung T. Ip, PhD, associate professor of molecular medicine, biochemistry & molecular pharmacology and cell biology

J. Anthony Irsfeld, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Richard Stephen Irwin, MD, professor of medicine

Cuneyt Iscan, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Jeffrey S. Isen, MD, affiliate in surgery

John J. Iwuc, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Suhasini R. Iyer, MD, instructor in medicine

Allan S. Jacobson, PhD, chair and professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Caren Jacobson, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Sara Jacobson, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Elise A. Jacques, MD, associate professor of medicine

Stuart R. Jaffee, MD, assistant professor of surgery

Deepa Jagadeesh, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Eugene C. Jagella, MD, instructor in medicine

Jay Jahanmir, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine

Dilip M. Jain, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Catherine A. James, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Shailaja Jamma, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Keneth A. Janes, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Murray L. Janower, MD, professor of radiology

Gregg Januszewski, PsyD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Courtney I. Jarvis, PharmD, adjunct assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Amjad Javed, PhD, adjunct assistant professor of cell biology

Saud A. Javed, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Mary Jeffers-Terry, MSN, instructor in psychiatry

Frank Jehle, MD, MPH, assistant professor of pediatrics

Nathaniel Josef Jellinek, MD, adjunct assistant professor of medicine

Amanda J. Jenkins, PhD, associate professor of pathology

Duane D. Jenness, PhD, associate professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Jeffrey D. Jensen, PhD, assistant professor of molecular medicine

Cynthia Dhanam Jeremiah, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Zhong Jiang, MD, professor of pathology

Krista S. Johansen, MD, instructor in cell biology and pathology

Erica E. Johnson, MD, adjunct assistant professor of medicine

Julia V. Johnson, MD, chair and professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Kirk H. Johnson, MD, clinical associate professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Rebecca L. Johnson, MD, clinical professor of pathology

Robert P. Johnson, MD, adjunct associate professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Michael Jolie, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Julie A. Jonassen, PhD, professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Brent M. Jones, PhD, research associate professor of psychiatry

Marci Jones, PhD, professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation and cell biology

Marci D. Jones, MD, clinical associate professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Stephen N. Jones, PhD, professor of cell biology and cancer biology

Anne F. Josephs, MD, affiliate in pediatrics

Leon G. Josephs, MD, clinical assistant professor of surgery

Chandra S. Joshi, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Matthew P. Juhascik, PhD, instructor in pathology

Dae Young Jung, PhD, instructor in molecular medicine

Melissa K. Jungnickel, PhD, research assistant professor of cell biology

Eugene Jura, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Agata Jurczyk, PhD, instructor in molecular medicine

Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, professor emeritus of medicine

Krzysztof Kacprzak, MD, instructor in medicine

Mona S. Kaddis, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Sidney P. Kadish, MD, clinical professor of radiation oncology and radiology

Penny Kadmon, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Jacob Kagan, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Vijay K. Kajla, MD, assistant professor of medicine

David W. Kalman, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry

Syed H. Kamil, MD, assistant professor of otolaryngology

Abir O. Kanaan, adjunct assistant professor of medicine

Dina H. Kandil, MD, assistant professor of pathology

David A. Kane, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Jaimie Kane, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Joonsoo Kang, PhD, associate professor of pathology

Lucille Kanjer-Larson, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Herbert M. Kantor, MD, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Paulomi K. Kanzaria, MBBS, clinical associate professor of radiology

Stephen P. Kapaon, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Mark S. Kaplan, MD, clinical associate professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Michael S. Kaplan, MD, affiliate in family medicine & community health

Margo L. Kaplan Gill, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Diane P. Karalekas, MD, assistant professor of ophthalmology

Adib R. Karam, MD, instructor in radiology

Rebecca S. Kardon, MA, RNCS, affiliate in psychiatry

Andrew Karellas, PhD, professor of radiology

Joan Carolyn Karl, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Bruce G. Karlin, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Daria M. Karos, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Stefan G. Karos, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Stephen Howard Karshbaum, MD, adjunct instructor in radiology

Eydie I. Kasendorf, PhD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Rebecca N. Kasenge, DO, MPH, instructor in medicine

Vijay K. Kasturi, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Marshall Katzen, MD, affiliate in orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

David A. Kaufman, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine, anesthesiology and surgery

Paul D. Kaufman, PhD, associate professor of molecular medicine

Shubjeet Kaur, MD, clinical professor of anesthesiology

Jonathan Kay, MD, professor of medicine

Emel Z. Kayatekin, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Edward L. Kazarian, MD, clinical associate professor of ophthalmology and pediatrics

John F. Keaney, MD, professor of medicine and microbiology & physiological systems

John R. Kearns, MD, clinical assistant professor of surgery

Sanjay Kedia, MD, assistant professor of radiology

Tracy Kedian, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Clara Keegan, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Gary R. Keilson, MD, assistant professor of neurology

David M. Keller, MD, clinical associate professor of pediatrics and family medicine & community health

Jeanne D. Keller, MD, assistant professor of cell biology and radiology

Helena Kelliher, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Michelle A. Kelliher, PhD, professor of cancer biology and molecular genetics & microbiology

David W. Kelly, DMD, affiliate in surgery

John E. Kelly, MD, affiliate in medicine

John J. Kelly, MD, associate professor of surgery

Karen G. Kelly, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Megan Kelly, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Jennifer L. Kelsey, MPH, PhD, professor of medicine and family medicine & community health

Christopher Kennedy, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

David N. Kennedy, PhD, professor of psychiatry

Kathryn Kennedy, MD, clinical associate professor of emergency medicine

Norman J. Kennedy, PhD, research assistant professor of molecular medicine

Sally C. Kent, PhD, assistant professor of medicine

Mary Ellen Keough, MPH, instructor in family medicine & community health

Henrietta Kernan, DO, instructor in psychiatry

Glenn R. Kershaw, MD, clinical professor of medicine

Steven Kessler, MD, affiliate in psychiatry

Inna Ketsler, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Christopher P. Keuker, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Ashraf Khan, MD, professor of pathology

Umar A. Khan, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Saleem A. Khanani, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Issam Khayata, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology and surgery

Ramzi Khazen, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Catarina I. Kiefe, MD, PhD, chair and professor of quantitative health sciences and medicine

Charles R. Kiefer, PhD, associate professor of pathology

Daniel L. Kilpatrick, PhD, associate professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Candace Kim, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Cheong H. Kim, MD, affiliate in otolaryngology and family medicine & community health

Daniel Y. Kim, MD, clinical associate professor of otolaryngology and radiation oncology

Doris Kim, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Jason K. Kim, PhD, professor of molecular medicine and medicine

Kyung H. Kim, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Maria C. Kim, MD, instructor in medicine

Nam Heui Kim, MD, assistant professor of surgery

Sun S. Kim, PhD, RN, APN-BC, assistant professor of psychiatry

Young H. Kim, MD, PhD, associate professor of radiology

Paulette Kimball-Wren, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Stacey C. Kimmelman, PsyD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Jean King, PhD, professor of psychiatry

Julie M. King, NP, MS, RN, APRN, clinical instructor in obstetrics & gynecology

Michael A. King, PhD, professor of radiology

Joseph G. Kirkpatrick Jr., MD, assistant professor of medicine

Daniel J. Kirsch, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Howard D. Kirshenbaum, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Ellen Kittler, PhD, research assistant professor of molecular medicine

Jason Matthew Kittler, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine

Ronald W. Klare, MD, instructor in medicine

David A. Klein, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Dagmar Klinger, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Alexander Kloman, MD, assistant professor of neurology

Neil J. Kluger, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Robert A. Klugman, MD, associate professor of medicine

Michael D. Kneeland, MD, MPH, clinical associate professor of family medicine & community health and medicine

Kendall L. Knight, PhD, professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

John R. Knorr, DO, associate professor of radiology

Hwi-Jin Ko, PhD, instructor in molecular medicine

William R. Kobertz, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Karen M. Kodys, BA, research instructor in surgery

Steven B. Koevary, PhD, adjunct professor of cell biology

Monika Kolodziej, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Satoshi Komatsu, PhD, research assistant professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Kitsa Kondylis-deBlois, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Richard F. Konz, BS, research assistant professor of medicine

Scott E. Kopec, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Mohan K. Korgaonkar, MBBS, affiliate in surgery

Mona M. Korgaonkar, MD, clinical associate professor of radiology

Eric S. Korenman, MD, assistant professor of radiology

Hardy Kornfeld, MD, professor of medicine

Andrei A. Korostelev, assistant professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Nichole L. Korpi-Steiner, PhD, instructor in pathology

Robert Kossack, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Anita Louise Kostecki, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Girish J. Kotwal, PhD, adjunct professor of medicine

Omanand Koul, PhD, research associate professor of the Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing and biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Diana I. Kouznetsov, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Gabriella Kovi, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Timothy F. Kowalik, PhD, associate professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Harvey Kowaloff, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Susan Kraft, MD, affiliate in obstetrics & gynecology

Jonathan D. Krant, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine

Susan G. Krantz, MD, instructor in medicine

Mark T. Kraus, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Jamie Krauss, PhD, affiliate in psychiatry

Donna M. Krauth, MD, instructor in medicine

Ted M. Kremer, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Peter E. Krims, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Stephen J. Krinzman, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Sandra V. Kristiansen, MD, affiliate in medicine

Jessica D. Krochmal, MD, clinical assistant professor of pathology

Kenneth H. Kronlund Jr., MD, assistant professor of medicine

Maureen Kruskal, MD, adjunct clinical assistant professor of pediatrics

Louis Kuchnir, MD, instructor in medicine

Gordan Nicholas Kuhar, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Jayanthi Kumar, MD, instructor in medicine

Vinay Kumar, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Shubhra Kumar-Bradley, MD, assistant professor of medicine

I-Lin Kuo, MS, instructor in radiation oncology

Elizabeth Kurian, MD, assistant professor of pathology

Evelyn A. Kurt-Jones, PhD, professor of medicine

Joseph Kuruvilla, MBBS, assistant professor of medicine

Kimberlee Kusiak, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry and pediatrics

Daniel S. Kusick, MD, assistant professor of medicine