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T.H. Chan School of Medicine Faculty (H)

As provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs on December 10, 2010

Richard A. Haas, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Farajallah Habib, MD, clinical associate professor of anesthesiology and pediatrics

Patricia M. Hackett, LICSW, MSW, instructor in pediatrics

Abraham W. Haddad, DMD, clinical assistant professor of surgery

David M. Haddad, EdD, affiliate in psychiatry

Shirin Haddady, MD, assistant professor of medicine and neurology

Kirsten A. Hagstrom, PhD, assistant professor of molecular medicine

Peter S. Hahn, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Paul M. Haidak, MD, associate professor of surgery

Heather-Lyn Haley, PhD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health and medicine

Wiley R. Hall, MD, assistant professor of neurology and surgery

Lisa L. Hall-Anderson, PhD, research assistant professor of cell biology

Brenda Hallenbeck, MD, instructor in obstetrics & gynecology

Thomas F. Halpin, MD, professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Charles D. Hamad, PhD, associate professor of pediatrics

Tatiana A. Hamawi, MD, instructor in medicine and pediatrics

Aysha Hameed, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Hesham M. A. Hammouda, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Gang Han, assistant professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Cynthia Handler, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Donald Hale Hangen, MD, instructor in orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Gregory Hanley, adjunct associate professor of psychiatry

Katy-Ann E. Hannigan, DO, assistant professor of pediatrics

Suyang Hao, MD, clinical associate professor of pathology

John Haran, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Janet R. Hardy, PhD, assistant professor of medicine and obstetrics & gynecology

Olga T. Hardy, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Nancy Harger, RN, MS, LIS, instructor in the Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing and pediatrics

Pamela L. Harges, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

J. Lee Hargraves, PhD, research associate professor of family medicine & community health

Allison M. Hargreaves, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Muddana Haribabu, MBBS, affiliate in pediatrics

Robert C. Harizi, MD, assistant professor of medicine

David M. Harlan, the William and Doris Krupp Professor in Medicine and professor of medicine and pediatrics

Amy Harrington, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

John E. Harrington, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Lisa Harrington-Carter, MD, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Alan N. Harris, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Bradley E. Harris, MD, instructor in medicine

John E. Harris, assistant professor of medicine

Leslie Harrold, MD, MPH, associate professor of medicine

Paul L. Hart, MD, affiliate in family medicine & community health

Harry Hartford, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Christian Hartman, PharmD, assistant professor of medicine

Stephanie W. Hartwell, PhD, adjunct research associate professor of psychiatry

William O. Hartzell, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Charlotte Harward Miller, MD, instructor in medicine

Mohammad Quamarul Hassan, DVM, PhD, research assistant professor of cell biology

Lisa Hassler, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

John Hatch, MD, affiliate in ophthalmology

Steven C. Hatch, MD, instructor in medicine

David S. Hatem, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Bruce Hauptman, MD, affiliate in psychiatry

David N. Havlin, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Mary Hawthorne, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Beverly Hay, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Catherine A. Hay, PhD, assistant professor of medicine and pathology

Ronald F. Hayden, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Rashelle B. Hayes, PhD, instructor in medicine

Kamlyn R. Haynes, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Lawrence Hayward, MD, PhD, professor of neurology, biochemistry & molecular pharmacology, cell biology and physiology

Rajneesh S. Hazarika, MBBS, MS, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Deborah Hazen, MD, instructor in medicine

Feng He, PhD, research assistant professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Shunian He, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Stephen O. Heard, MD, chair and professor of anesthesiology and surgery

Christian G. Heinis, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Debra W. Heitmann, MD, clinical associate professor of emergency medicine

Gregory M. Hendricks, PhD, research assistant professor of cell biology

Timothy Henion, PhD, research assistant professor of cell biology

Philip Henneke, MD, assistant professor of medicine

David Henner, DO, assistant professor of medicine

Robert B. Hennessy, MD, clinical associate professor of anesthesiology

Elizabeth W. Henrikson, PhD, affiliate in psychiatry and neurology

Alexis D. Henry, DSc, associate professor of psychiatry

Martha J. Henry, PhD, instructor in pediatrics

Mary M. Herlihy, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Pablo Hernandez, MD, adjunct assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Christina H. Hernon, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Bonnie H. Herr, MD, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Ines Maria Hertz, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Thoedor T. Herwig, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Karen A. Heveron, MD, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics

Thomas K. Hicks, MD, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Anne Whalen Higgins, PhD, assistant professor of pathology

Natalie P. Higgins, MD, affiliate in otolaryngology

Arnold J. Hill, MD, affiliate in psychiatry

David A. Hill, PhD, adjunct instructor in cell biology

Jay S. Himmelstein, MD, MPH, professor of family medicine & community health and medicine

Deborah Harmon Hines, PhD, professor of cell biology

Mona Zaidi Hinrichsen, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Greg Hinson, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Michael P. Hirsh, MD, professor of surgery and pediatrics

Donald J. Hnatowich, PhD, professor of radiology

Brandi L. Hoag, DO, assistant professor of medicine

Marie H. Hobart, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Elizabeth C. Hobbs, MD, assistant professor of medicine and family medicine & community health

Steven M. Hodge, MA, instructor in psychiatry

David Hoffman, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Patrick P. Hogan, MBBS, instructor in obstetrics & gynecology

Kenneth Holbert, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Heidi Holland, MEd, instructor in family medicine & community health

Neri Holzer, MD, affiliate in otolaryngology

Robert Honig, MD, instructor in medicine

Frederick H. Hooven, PhD, research assistant professor of surgery

Jeffrey B. Hopkins, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Timothy B. Hopkins, MD, clinical associate professor of surgery

William F. Horgan, DO, affiliate in pediatrics

Thomas L. Horn, MD, clinical associate professor of psychiatry

Richard J. Horner, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Edmund H. Hornstein, DO, assistant professor of medicine

Sandra L. Horowitz, MD, associate professor of neurology

John T. Hosey, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Kim D. Houde, MD, MS, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Jeanmarie Houghton, MD, PhD, associate professor of medicine and cancer biology

Thomas K. Houston, professor of quantitative health sciences

Joseph F. Howard, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Philip J. Howard Jr., MD, assistant professor of surgery

Chung-Cheng Hsieh, DSc, professor of cancer biology

Hwa Hsin Hsieh, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Bruce H. Hsu, MD, instructor in orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Ho-Wen Hsu, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Haibin Huang, PhD, instructor in medicine

Margaret M. Hudlin, MD, MHCM, assistant professor of surgery

Emma Hughes, MD, instructor in pediatrics

James P. Hughes, MD, assistant professor of otolaryngology

Sarah H. Hughes, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Barry M. Hugo, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Margaret S. Hunt, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Todd W. Hunter, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Michael E. Huppert, MPH, instructor in family medicine & community health and pediatrics

James C. Hurowitz, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Debra Hurwitz, MBA, BSN, RN, instructor in family medicine & community health

Israel S. Hurwitz, MD, instructor in orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Eric S. Huseby, PhD, assistant professor of pathology

Sarwat Hussain, MD, professor of radiology

Lloyd Hutchinson, PhD, assistant professor of pathology

Camy Thu M. T. Huynh, DO, assistant professor of medicine

Benjamin J. Hyatt, assistant professor of medicine