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T.H. Chan School of Medicine Faculty (G)

As provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs on December 10, 2010

William H. Gaasch, MD, professor of medicine

Elaine M. Gabovitch, MPA, instructor in family medicine & community health

Richard R. Gacek, MD, professor of otolaryngology and radiation oncology

Susan B. Gagliardi, PhD, professor of cell biology and neurology

Jeffrey J. Gaines, PhD, lecturer in psychiatry

William M. Gaines, MD, instructor in medicine

Marzena Galdzicka, PhD, clinical assistant professor of pathology, pediatrics and psychiatry

Michael Galica, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Uri Galili, PhD, professor of surgery

Donna M. Gallagher, MSN, MA, instructor in family medicine & community health

John Gallagher, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Julia M. Gallagher, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Gayle M. Galletta, MD, clinical associate professor of emergency medicine

Gregory J. Gallivan, MD, clinical assistant professor of surgery

Heather L. Gallo, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Jeffrey P. Gallo, MD, affiliate in ophthalmology

Mary Elizabeth Gamache, CNM, NP, clinical instructor in obstetrics & gynecology

Lorenzo Gamez, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Wendy L. Gammon, MEd, assistant professor of medicine

Monica S. Ganatra, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology and pediatrics

Pritesh J. Gandhi, PharmD, adjunct assistant professor of medicine

David Gansler, PhD, adjunct associate professor of psychiatry

Fen-Biao Gao, professor of neurology

Guangping Gao, PhD, the Penelope Booth Rockwell Chair in Biomedical Research and professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Laura M. Garber, MA, PA-C, clinical instructor in family medicine & community health

Erik J. Garcia, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Maria Garcia, MD, assistant professor of medicine and family medicine & community health

Mathew F. Gardiner, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Alice J. A. Gardner, PhD, adjunct assistant professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Paul D. Gardner, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry

Neeta Garg, MD, clinical associate professor of neurology

David S. Garlick, DVM, adjunct instructor in cancer biology

Katharine M. Garnett, MD, instructor in pediatrics

William T. Garrison, PhD, professor of pediatrics

Kerry A. Garrity, PhD, instructor in medicine

Romolo J. Gaspari, MD, associate professor of emergency medicine

Thomas Gassert, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Glenn R. Gaudette, PhD, research assistant professor of surgery

Tripti Gaur, PhD, research assistant professor of cell biology

Robert J. Gauthier Jr., DMD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Marc A. Gautreau, MD, clinical associate professor of emergency medicine

Cristina A. Gavala, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Alicia Gavalya, MD, affiliate in psychiatry

Ricardo T. Gazzinelli, DSc, DVM, professor of medicine

Wade J. Gebara, MD, assistant professor of radiology

Robert Gedachian, MD, affiliate in pediatrics

Robert J. Gegear, PhD, adjunct research assistant professor of neurobiology

Lorrie Nielsen Gehlbach, PhD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Stephen H. Gehlbach, MD, adjunct professor of medicine, family medicine & community health and pediatrics

David E. Geist, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Jeffrey S. Geller, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Jeffrey L. Geller, MD, MPH, professor of psychiatry

Peter J. Gentile, PA-C, instructor in surgery

John E. George, DPM, affiliate in orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Susan V. George, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Peter T. Georges, assistant professor of medicine

Frederick Georgian, MD, instructor in medicine

Rachel M. Gerstein, PhD, associate professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Mazen Ghani, MD, assistant professor of radiology

Mitra Ghasemi, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Laura L. Gibson, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics and medicine

Mark R. Gibson, MD, assistant professor of neurology

Peter B. Gibson, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Quentin H. Gibson, MD, PhD, distinguished professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Timothy E. Gibson, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Howard C. Gifford, PhD, research assistant professor of radiology

Francisco S. Gil, MD, instructor in medicine

James A. Gilbert Jr., MD, instructor in medicine

David B. Gilchrist, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Otto S. Gildemeister, PhD, instructor in biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

David H. Gill, MD, affiliate in psychiatry

James Reid Gilmore, PhD, professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Anne M. Gilroy, MA, associate professor of cell biology and surgery

Edward I. Ginns, MD, PhD, professor of psychiatry, neurology, pathology and pediatrics

John J. Giordano, instructor in family medicine & community health

Allessandro A. Girolamo, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Robert Gise, MD, affiliate in ophthalmology

Mitchell Jay Gitkind, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine and surgery

Arthur A. Giuliano, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Christopher P. Giuliano, MD, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics

Gerald C. Gladstone, MD, instructor in medicine

Jay Glaser, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Wayne B. Glazier, MD, clinical assistant professor of surgery

James Gleason, MS, instructor in pediatrics

Gerald S. Gleich, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health and medicine

Theresa Glenn, MPH, instructor in family medicine & community health

Richard Glew, MD, professor of medicine and microbiology & physiological systems

Stephen J. Glick, PhD, professor of radiology

Sunita Godiwala, MD, affiliate in family medicine & community health

Michael A. Godkin, PhD, professor of family medicine & community health and medicine

Eric Goedecke, DO, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Hira Lal Goel, PhD, research assistant professor of cancer biology and radiation oncology

Kathy Opal Goff, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Jon D. Goguen, PhD, associate professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Amy Goldberg, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Dori Goldberg, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Robert J. Goldberg, PhD, professor of quantitative health sciences and medicine

Ronald E. Goldfinger, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Jeremy Golding, MD, clinical professor of family medicine & community health

Douglas T. Golenbock, MD, professor of medicine and microbiology & physiological systems

Amy B. Gonroff, MD, affiliate in pediatrics

Scott Gonzalez, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Gerardo Gonzalez-Haddad, MD, associate professor of psychiatry

Rashel Goodkin, MD, instructor in medicine

H. Maurice Goodman, PhD, professor emeritus of microbiology & physiological systems

Sabitha R. Gopalswamy, MD, instructor in medicine

Jeffrey Gordon, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Joel M. Gore, MD, the Edward R. Bunditz, MD, Distinguished Professor in Cardiovascular Medicine and professor of medicine

Thomas P. Goss, MD, professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Philip D. Gottlieb, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Heinrich Gottlinger, MD, PhD, professor of molecular medicine and biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Janine Gould, DO, instructor in emergency medicine

Matthew J. Gounis, PhD, assistant professor of radiology

Nivedita Gour, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Renu S. Goyal, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Sanjeev B. Goyal, MBBS, assistant professor of medicine

Piotr Grabias, MD, assistant professor of medicine

George Grady, MD, professor of pediatrics

Geoffrey M. Graeber, MD, professor of surgery

Benjamin Grajales, MD, affiliate in surgery

Ellen M. Gravallese, MD, professor of medicine and cell biology

Susan J. Gray, PhD, research assistant professor of molecular medicine

Jonathan Grayzel, MD, PhD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Karen W. Green, MD, professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Michael R. Green, MD, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, the Lambi and Sarah Adams Chair in Genetic Research and professor of molecular medicine, biochemistry & molecular pharmacology and surgery

Sharone Green, MD, associate professor of medicine

Bruce A. Greenberg, MD, MBA, assistant professor of medicine

Joshua M. Greenberg, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Richard A. Greene, MD, instructor in medicine

Ronald T. Greene, DO, assistant professor of psychiatry

Thomas C. Greenough, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics and medicine

Lawrence l. Greenwald, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Kent S. Greenwood, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Charles A. Greffrath, DMD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Dale L. Greiner, PhD, professor of molecular medicine

Peter Grigg, PhD, professor emeritus of microbiology & physiological systems

Pamela L. Grimaldi, DO, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Jill Grimes, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Thomas Grisso, PhD, professor of psychiatry

Thomas A. Groblewski, DO, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Neil J. Grossman, MD, professor of pediatrics

Ruth B. Grossman, PhD, CCC-SLP, adjunct assistant professor of psychiatry

Steven R. Grossman, MD, PhD, associate professor of cancer biology and medicine

George Groussis, MD, instructor in medicine

Douglas L. Groves, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Albert J. Grudzinskas, JD, clinical associate professor of psychiatry

David M. Grygier, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Weifeng Gu, MD, PhD, research assistant professor of molecular medicine

Kenneth F. Guarnieri, MD, instructor in medicine

Robert C. Guerette Jr., MD, affiliate in psychiatry

David A. Guertin, PhD, assistant professor of molecular medicine

Thomas J. Guggina, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Roy Guharoy, PharmD, FCP, FCCP, FASH, clinical professor of medicine

Daniel Guilbert, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Adilson L. Guilherme, PhD, research assistant professor of molecular medicine

Subhash C. Gulati, MD, assistant professor of surgery

Sunita Gulati, DSc, research assistant professor of medicine

Mary M. Gulla, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Jasen W. Gundersen, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine and family medicine & community health

Ish Gupta, DO, assistant professor of medicine

Neena R. Gupta, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Preeti Gupta, MD, assistant professor of radiology

Raj Rani Gupta, MD, instructor in medicine

Satish P. Gupta, MD, affiliate in medicine

Deborah Gurski, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Arnold Gurwitz, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Jerry H. Gurwitz, MD, the Dr. John Meyers Professor in Primary Care Medicine and professor of medicine and family medicine & community health

John P. Gusha, DMD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Lisa S. Gussak, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Laura S. Guy, PhD, instructor in psychiatry

Finda Lee Guyton, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology