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T.H. Chan School of Medicine Faculty (D)

As provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs on December 10, 2010

Reynold J. Dahl, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Seth T. Dahlberg, MD, associate professor of medicine and radiology

Idris Dahodwala, MD, affiliate in pediatrics

Joseph F. Daigneault, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Peter J. Dain, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Michelle Dalal, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Jennifer Daley, MD, professor of medicine

Michael J. Daley, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Jennifer S. Daly, MD, professor of medicine

Andrea Martinucci Damour, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Jeffrey Dandurand, PharmD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Garfield Danenhower, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Andrew W. Danyluk, MD, assistant professor of ophthalmology and medicine

Ghaleb H. Daouk, MD, adjunct instructor in pediatrics

Chad E. Darling, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

John Darrah, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Melinda Darrigo, PhD, NP, assistant professor of surgery

Madhumita Das, PhD, instructor in molecular medicine

Mini Das, PhD, assistant professor of radiology

Piyali Datta, MD, instructor in medicine

Raul E. Davaro, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Duhme David, MD, instructor in medicine

Peter C. Davidow, MD, instructor in obstetrics & gynecology

Maryann Davis, PhD, research associate professor of psychiatry

Nicolina Cordaro Davis, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics and medicine

Roger J. Davis, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, the H. Arthur Smith Chair in Cancer Research and professor of molecular medicine and biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Sherrill Davis, MD, instructor in pediatrics

Steven M. Davis, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Venkat Davuluri, MD, assistant professor of medicine

John A. Day Jr., MD, assistant professor of medicine

Nicola Anthony Deangelis, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Ronald Joseph DeBellis, PharmD, adjunct assistant professor of medicine

Philip M. DeChavez, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

George E. Deering III, MD, instructor in emergency medicine

Anthony E. DeFelice, DO, clinical assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Melvyn H. Defrin, MD, affiliate in ophthalmology

Silvia DeGirolamo, PsyD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

David Bruce Degrand, MD, PhD, instructor in medicine

Ellen M. Deibert, MD, assistant professor of neurology

Job Dekker, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology and molecular medicine

Maria B. Del Rosario, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Kevin F. Delacey, MD, instructor in medicine

Dina Deldon-Saltin, DO, instructor in obstetrics & gynecology

Michael J. Deleo Jr., MD, assistant professor of medicine

Konstantinos E. Deligiannidis, MD, PhD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Kristina M. Deligiannidis, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Ellen H. Delpapa, MD, clinical associate professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Andrew J. DeMaggio, MD, clinical assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Anthony M. DeMarco, MD, affiliate in medicine

Deborah M. Demarco, MD, professor of medicine

William J. Demarco, DO, clinical associate professor of medicine

Debra C. Demers-Chaison, MSW, instructor in pediatrics

Brian J. Dempsey, MD, instructor in pediatrics

April C. Deng, MD, PhD, associate professor of pathology

Don P. Deprez, MD, affiliate in obstetrics & gynecology

Michael L. Dern, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Mark Dershwitz, MD, PhD, professor of anesthesiology and biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Charu S. Desai, MBBS, clinical associate professor of radiology

Manisha S. Desai, MD, clinical associate professor of anesthesiology

Vikas Desai, MD, adjunct assistant professor of medicine

Taniya N. DeSilva, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Ronald C. Desrosiers, PhD, adjunct professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Brian K. Dessureau, PhD, clinical assistant professor of neurology and pediatrics

Nancy W. Detora, MD, affiliate in pediatrics

Fernando Detorrijos, BS, instructor in psychiatry

Curtis Deutsch, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry

Martin D. Devine, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Joyoni Dey, PhD, assistant professor of radiology

Malabika Dey, MD, clinical instructor in family medicine & community health

Suneel Dhand, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Brooke Di - Anni, DO, affiliate in pediatrics

Octavio J. Diaz, MD, MPH, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Gail Louise Dickinson, MD, instructor in medicine

Eric W. Dickson, MD, professor of emergency medicine

Timothy J. Diehl, MEd, instructor in family medicine & community health

Robert B. Diener, MD, affiliate in psychiatry

Joseph R. Difranza, MD, professor of family medicine & community health and psychiatry

Leonard G. DiGiovanni, DO, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Philip J. Diiorio, PhD, instructor in molecular medicine

Sharon P. Dilley, MD, instructor in medicine

Lori DiLorenzo, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Dennis M. Dimitri, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Linda Ding, PhD, clinical assistant professor of radiation oncology and radiology

Robert Dingman, EdD, affiliate in psychiatry

Christian P. Dipaola, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Michael R. DiSiena, DO, assistant professor of surgery and pathology

Mark S. DiStefano, MD, clinical instructor in surgery

Cheryl T. DiVito, DO, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Paul R. Dobner, PhD, associate professor of microbiology & physiological systems

James G. Dobson, PhD, professor emeritus of microbiology & physiological systems and medicine

Leonard A. Doerfler, PhD, adjunct associate professor of psychiatry

Joan Marie Dolan, RN, FNP, instructor in family medicine & community health

Angela Dolganiuc, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine

Frank J. Domino, MD, professor of family medicine & community health

Christine Donahue, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Steven P. Donhowe, MD, assistant professor of neurology

Elizabeth W. Donlon, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Mary Sheila Donnelly, MD, affiliate in medicine

Susan Donohue, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Leah E. Doret, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Gina Elizabeth D’Ottavio, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Anna Doubeni, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Chyke A. Doubeni, MD, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Brian C. Downey, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Stephen J. Doxsey, PhD, professor of molecular medicine, biochemistry & molecular pharmacology and cell biology

Daniel M. Doyle, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Bradlee G. Drabant, MD, instructor in pediatrics

David A. Drachman, MD, professor of neurology and physiology

Ursula Drager, MD, professor of psychiatry

Nancy A. Dragoon, MD, assistant professor of surgery and medicine

Connie R. Drexler, MD, assistant professor of medicine

David L. Drexler, MD, PhD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Deborah L. Drexler, JD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Edward Driscoll, MD, instructor in medicine

Hicham M. Drissi, PhD, adjunct instructor in cell biology

Patricia Droney, MPH, instructor in family medicine & community health

Cheng Du, PhD, research assistant professor of surgery

William V. Dube, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and pediatrics

Catherine E. DuBeau, MD, professor of medicine, family medicine & community health and obstetrics & gynecology

Toni M. DuBrino, MA, instructor in psychiatry

Eleanor M. Duduch, MD, clinical associate professor of anesthesiology

Maria Jose Duenas Decamp, PhD, instructor in molecular medicine

Paul F. Dufault, MD, instructor in medicine

John A. Duggan, MD, professor emeritus of pediatrics

Sathish K. Dundamadappa, MD, assistant professor of radiology

Paul S. Dunn, MD, instructor in obstetrics & gynecology

Raymond M. Dunn, MD, professor of surgery and cell biology

Thomas Dunzendorfer, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Carlos Duran, MD, adjunct instructor in pediatrics

William A. Durbin, MD, professor of pediatrics and medicine

Richard W. Dutton, PhD, professor of pathology

Jack M. Dutzar, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Yael Dvir, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

David L. Dykhuizen, MD, assistant professor of surgery

Patricia Anne Dykstra, MD, affiliate in pediatrics