T.H. Chan School of Medicine Faculty (C)
As provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs on December 10, 2010
Daniel R. Caffrey, assistant professor of medicine
Marie E. Caggiano, MD, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Mitchell A. Cahan, MD, assistant professor of surgery
Thomas H. Cahn, MD, instructor in medicine and family medicine & community health
Shenghe Cai, PhD, research assistant professor of medicine
Rebecca P. Caine, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Brandon L. Cairo, DMD, instructor in family medicine & community health
Richard M. Calderon, OD, adjunct clinical instructor in emergency medicine
Joanne L. Calista, LICSW, instructor in family medicine & community health
Edward R. Calkins, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation
Theresa Callahan, MD, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics
Sheila C. Callahan-Butler, MD, affiliate in pediatrics
Jaime M. Calvo-Calle, PhD, instructor in pathology
Terri A. Camesano, PhD, adjunct research assistant professor of anesthesiology
Eric Campeau, PhD, instructor in molecular medicine
Sharon M. Campion, MD, affiliate in pediatrics
Antonio Campos-Neto, MD, PhD, adjunct professor of medicine
Carol S. Cancro, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health
Ninfa M. Candela, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics
Lucy M. Candib, MD, professor of family medicine & community health
Philip J. M. Candilis, MD, associate professor of psychiatry
Neil F. Cannon, MD, affiliate in family medicine & community health
Lisa T. Canter, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Sharon B. Cantor, PhD, associate professor of cancer biology
Hong Cao, PhD, research assistant professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology
Laura J. Cardello, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics
Robert J. Carey Jr., PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry
Patricia Carlino, MD, instructor in pediatrics
David Carlson, MD, assistant professor of medicine and pediatrics
Daniel Carlucci, MD, assistant professor of medicine
James F. Carmody, PhD, associate professor of medicine
Robert E. Carraway, PhD, professor of microbiology & physiological systems
Anthony Carruthers, PhD, professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology and physiology
Anthony Carruthers, PhD, professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology and microbiology & physiological systems
JoAnn Carson, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics
Lisa E. Carson, RNC-PNP, affiliate in pediatrics
Daniel J. Carter, MD, assistant professor of pathology
Helen M. Carter, MD, affiliate in medicine
Maria A. Casal, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Paul Casaz, PhD, instructor in medicine
Jean M. Casello, MD, instructor in medicine
Suzanne B. Cashman, DSc, professor of family medicine & community health
Plutarco Castellanos, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Matilde Castiel, MD, assistant professor of medicine, family medicine & community health and psychiatry
Lucio H. Castilla, PhD, associate professor of molecular medicine, biochemistry & molecular pharmacology and cancer biology
John M. Castle, MD, clinical associate professor of surgery
Fernando Catalina, MD, PhD, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics
Oguz I. Cataltepe, MD, associate professor of surgery, pediatrics and radiation oncology
Keith A. Cauley, MD, PhD, assistant professor of radiology
Charles E. Cavagnaro III, MD, instructor in medicine
Linda M. Cavallero, PhD, clinical associate professor of psychiatry
Giulio I. Cavalli, MD, assistant professor of otolaryngology
Robert J. Cavanaugh, MD, instructor in medicine
David R. Cave, MD, professor of medicine
Jeffrey P. Cella, MD, clinical assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation
Florindo J. Celona, MD, instructor in medicine
Craig J. Ceol, PhD, assistant professor of molecular medicine and cancer biology
Sharon A. Cermak, EdD, OTR, adjunct professor of family medicine & community health
Christopher A. Cerniglia, DO, MENG, assistant professor of radiology
Jan Cerny, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine
Marc Cerrone, MD, instructor in pediatrics
David Chad, MD, professor of neurology
Anne C. Chaffee, MD, affiliate in pediatrics
Raymond J. Chagnon, MD, affiliate in orthopedics & physical rehabilitation
Atreyi Chakrabarti, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Francis Ka Ming Chan, PhD, assistant professor of pathology
Dinesh Chandok, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Felix Chang, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Ravishankar B. Channappa, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine
Lauren R. Charlot, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry
Gerald J. Chase, MD, instructor in medicine
Nita Chatterjee, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health
Frank Chau, MD, instructor in medicine
Saqib Chaudhary, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Shaila V. Chauhan, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology
Anil K. Chawla, PhD, research assistant professor of molecular medicine
Sarah H. Cheeseman, MD, professor of medicine, microbiology & physiological systems and pediatrics
Andrew P. Chen, MD, assistant professor of radiology
Jason J. Chen, PhD, associate professor of medicine
Kai Chen, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine
Peter S. Chen, MD, assistant professor of radiology
Weijun Chen, PhD, research assistant professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology
Patricia D. Chernosky, MD, instructor in obstetrics & gynecology
James H. Chesebro, MD, professor of medicine
Bryan L. Cheshire, MD, clinical associate professor of emergency medicine
Vishesh G. Chhibber, MD, assistant professor of medicine and pathology
Andrea C. Chiaramonte, MD, affiliate in otolaryngology
Sonia N. Chimienti, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine
David Chiriboga, MD, MPH, adjunct assistant professor of medicine
Harshad V. Chitre, MD, affiliate in medicine
Nandini Chitre, MD, instructor in medicine
Seong-Kyu Choe, research instructor in biochemistry & molecular pharmacology
Je-Yong Choi, PhD, adjunct instructor in cell biology
Nidhi Chojar, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Kathy L. Chrismer, MD, affiliate in pediatrics
Vasilios Chrisotomidis, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Michael Christakis, MD, instructor in medicine
Paul Pasquale Christopher, MD, instructor in psychiatry
Ruth Yu Chu, MD, affiliate in pediatrics
Aleksander Chudnovsky, MD, assistant professor of surgery
Alan B. Chuman, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Sang K. Chung, MD, instructor in pediatrics
Sangkeun Chung, MD, visiting professor of psychiatry
Arthur A. Church, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine
Richard J. Church, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine
Angela Ciamarra, MD, instructor in pediatrics
Maria G. Cicchetti, MD, clinical associate professor of radiation oncology
Cezar I. Cimpeanu, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry
Rocco G. Ciocca, MD, associate professor of surgery
Robert A. Ciottone, PhD, affiliate in pediatrics and psychiatry
Linda Ciu, MD, instructor in pediatrics
Paul R. Clapham, PhD, associate professor of molecular medicine and microbiology & physiological systems
Brian M. Clark, MD, clinical associate professor of obstetrics & gynecology
Christy Clark, PhD, affiliate in psychiatry
Linda G. Clark, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Robin E. Clark, PhD, associate professor of family medicine & community health
Marjorie A. Clay, PhD, professor of medicine, family medicine & community health and psychiatry
Kathleen M. Cleary, MD, instructor in pediatrics
Dean Cleghorn, EdD, associate professor of family medicine & community health
Christine J. Clements, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Harvey G. Clermont, MD, assistant professor of surgery
David M. Clive, MD, professor of medicine
Jeanette Cloutier, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health
Marydawn Co, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Andrew J. Cocchiarella, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology
Maureen Cochran, RN, PhD, adjunct instructor in pediatrics
Scott M. Cochrane, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics
Joseph M. Cocozzella, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry
Jacalyn Coghlin-Strom, MD, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Kathryn L. Cohan, MD, instructor in medicine
Daniel M. Cohen, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Joseph H. Cohen III, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Lori R. Cohen, PhD, affiliate in psychiatry
Marcia B. Cohen, MD, assistant professor of pathology
Peter W. Cohen, MD, lecturer in psychiatry
Philip A. Cohen, MD, assistant professor of surgery
Michael S. Cohn, MD, assistant professor of surgery
Rachel M. Coleman, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics
Michael F. Collins, MD, clinical professor of quantitative health sciences and medicine
Ursula P. Collinson, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Anne Marie Comeau, PhD, associate professor of pediatrics
Daniel Comiskey, MD, affiliate in psychiatry
Sherrill A. Conna, MD, senior affiliate in psychiatry
Patrick J. Connolly, MD, clinical professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation
Michelle E. Conroy, MD, assistant professor of medicine and pediatrics
Thomas Andrew Consolati, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Darryl Conte, PhD, research assistant professor of molecular medicine
John M. Cooke, PhD, associate professor of cell biology
Alan D. Cooper, PhD, adjunct associate professor of radiology
Bronwyn Cooper, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology
Kyle Ann Cooper, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Marcus P. Cooper, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Teri L. Cooper, MD, assistant professor of pathology
Stuart A. Copans, MD, affiliate in psychiatry
William F. Corbett, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine
Gerald P. Corcoran, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Macario C. Corpuz, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Jose Correa, MD, instructor in pediatrics
Silvia Corvera, MD, professor of molecular medicine and cell biology
Michael T. Corwin, MD, assistant professor of radiology
Ediz F. Cosar, MD, assistant professor of pathology
Elifce O. Cosar, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology
Mary E. Costanza, MD, professor emeritus of medicine
Eric P. Cotter, MD, instructor in medicine
Dennis Coughlin, MD, assistant professor of radiology
Timothy C. Counihan, MD, associate professor of surgery
Russell W. Cournoyer Jr., DPM, affiliate in orthopedics & physical rehabilitation
James Courtney, DO, assistant professor of emergency medicine
Michael A. Coyne, MD, clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine
Linda Cragin, MS, instructor in family medicine & community health
Roger W. Craig, PhD, professor of cell biology
James Crandall, PhD, research associate professor of cell biology and physiology
Kathleen S. Craven, RN, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Sybil L. Crawford, PhD, professor of medicine
Joseph J. Creme, MD, affiliate in medicine
Albert A. Crimaldi, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine
William J. Crooks IV, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Ingrid Cruse, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics
Ronald B. Cruz, MD, instructor in medicine
George A. Csank, MD, assistant professor of surgery
Adolfo E. Cuadra, PhD, instructor in microbiology & physiological systems
Henri Cuenoud, MD, associate professor of medicine
Hongyi Cui, MD, PhD, assistant professor of surgery
Jeffrey Cukor, MD, associate professor of emergency medicine
Paula M. Cullinane, MD, MPH, clinical associate professor of medicine
Edward Curcio III, MD, clinical instructor in emergency medicine
Eugene L. Curletti, MD, assistant professor of surgery
Frederick J. Curley, MD, associate professor of medicine
Kristen Elisabeth Currie, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Joseph Currier, MD, clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine
Carol Curtin, MSW, research assistant professor of family medicine & community health
Edward E. Custer, PhD, instructor in microbiology & physiological systems
Bruce S. Cutler, MD, professor of surgery
Sarah L. Cutrona, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine
James Paul Cyr, RN, MS, MBA, instructor in medicine
Michael P. Czech, PhD, the Isadore and Fannie Foxman Chair in Medical Research and chair and professor of molecular medicine and biochemistry & molecular pharmacology
Donald Czerniach, MD, assistant professor of surgery