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T.H. Chan School of Medicine Faculty (A)

As provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs on December 10, 2010

Amy E. Abbot, MD, assistant professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Charles Abbott, MD, adjunct clinical assistant professor of pathology

Sassan Abdollahzadeh, PhD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Annie Abraham, MD, assistant professor of medicine

George Abraham, MD, MPH, clinical associate professor of medicine

Janet C. Abrahamian, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Konstantin Abramov, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Usha Rajagopalan Jairaj Acharya, PhD, assistant professor of molecular medicine

Wendy Ackley, MSW, instructor in pediatrics

Robin H. Adair, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Philip Adamo, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Abigail Adams, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Sara T. Adams, MA, instructor in family medicine & community health

Steven A. Adelman, MD, clinical associate professor of psychiatry

Seema Adhami, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Ronald N. Adler, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Joseph Frank Adolph, MD, clinical instructor in surgery

Susan A. Afonso, MD, clinical associate professor of radiology

Deepak Agarwal, MD assistant professor of radiology

Sarika Agarwal, PhD, instructor in medicine

Achal Aggarwal, MD, affiliate in pediatrics

Sarika Aggarwal, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Richard V. Aghababian, MD, professor of emergency medicine

Payam Aghassi, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Demothenes Agiomavritis, MD, instructor in medicine

Nithya Agrawal, MD, assistant professor of medicine

William Ahearn, adjunct assistant professor of psychiatry

Mary S. Ahn, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Min S. Ahn, MD, affiliate in otolaryngology

Ali Akalin, MD, assistant professor of pathology

Schahram Akbarian, MD, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry

Brian J. Akerley, PhD, assistant professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Mohammed W. Akhter, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Carlton M. Akins, MD, associate professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation and pediatrics

Mustafa Akyurek, MD, associate professor of surgery

Anthony J. Alario, MD, professor of pediatrics

Karim Alavi, MD, assistant professor of surgery

Christina N. Alavian, assistant professor of medicine

Alan J. Albert, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

David A. Albert, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Kyneret Albert, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Mitchell S. Albert, PhD, professor of radiology

Lauren Alberta-Wszolek, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Lloyd M. Alderson, MD, associate professor of neurology

Herlen J. Alencar, assistant professor of radiology

Mary K. Alexander, EdD, professor emeritus of family medicine & community health

Rani Alexander, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Howard Alfred, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Mohammad Alhabbal, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Ahmad S. Al-Homsi, MD, adjunct clinical associate professor of medicine

Akbar Ali, PhD, research assistant professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology

Omar Ali, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Mahmoud Aliouche, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Mark Alkema, PhD, assistant professor of neurobiology

Sam Alkhoury, instructor in family medicine & community health

Jeroan J. Allison, MD, MSCEPI, professor of quantitative health sciences and medicine

Arnel Almeda, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Caroline J. Alper, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Eric J. Alper, MD, professor of medicine

Wayne J. Altman, MD, adjunct assistant professor of family medicine & community health

M. Rabie Al-Turkmani, PhD, instructor in pathology

Syed M. A. Alvi, MD, MBA, assistant professor of medicine

Edward L. Amaral, MD, assistant professor of surgery

Victor R. Ambros, PhD, the Silverman Chair in Natural Sciences and professor of molecular medicine

Donna Ambrosino, MD, professor of pediatrics

Ali A. Amini, MD, instructor in medicine

David Ammerman, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Karen Sue Ammerman, MD, affiliate in obstetrics & gynecology

Nadia Amrani, PhD, research assistant professor of microbiology & physiological systems

Curuchi P. Anand, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Genevieve G. Anand, MBBS, MPH, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Raj Kumar Anand, MD, associate professor of medicine

Peter P. Anas, MD, affiliate in orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Milena D. Anatchkova, PhD, assistant professor of quantitative health sciences

Frederick Anderson, PhD, research professor of surgery and medicine

Roger S. Anderson, PhD, research assistant professor of medicine and pathology

Sarah E. Anderson, PhD, adjunct instructor in family medicine & community health

Teresa E. Anderson, PhD, MSW, instructor in family medicine & community health

Susan E. Andrade, DSc, research associate professor of medicine

Athena Andreadis, PhD, associate professor of cell biology

Mark Andrews, MPA, instructor in pediatrics

Julia D. Andrieni, MD, associate professor of medicine

John Franken Aney, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Stuart Anfang, MD, clinical associate professor of psychiatry

Gustavo Angaramo, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology

Maria L. Angeles, MD, lecturer in family medicine & community health

Amanda Angelescu, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Sheryn Mikhail Angelis, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Richard H. Angoff, MD, associate professor of medicine

Joseph A. Antaki, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine

Frances M. Anthes, MSW, instructor in family medicine & community health

Danuta J. Antkowiak, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Nadeem Anwar, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Ursula E. Anwer, MD, clinical associate professor of neurology

Myriam Aouadi, PhD, research assistant professor of molecular medicine

Antonio Aponte-Feliciano, MD, assistant professor of anesthesiology and surgery

Nicholas Apostoleris, PhD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Kenneth L. Appelbaum, MD, clinical professor of psychiatry

Jayashri R. Aragam, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Paul L. Arcand, MD, clinical assistant professor of surgery

Rasim Arikan, MD, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Carrie C. Armsby, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Elizabeth A. Armstrong, MD, instructor in medicine

Neil Aronin, MD, professor of medicine, cell biology and microbiology & physiological systems

Jesse N. Aronowitz, MD, clinical associate professor of radiation oncology

Michael P. Aronson, MD, professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Patricia K. Aronson, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Elias J. Arous, MD, professor of surgery

Harry M. Arters, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Seth M. Arum, MD, assistant professor of medicine

George R. Asdourian, MD, professor of ophthalmology

Arlene S. Ash, PhD, professor of quantitative health sciences

Gary H. Asher, MD, affiliate in family medicine & community health

Nikhil Asher, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Farhan Aslam, MD, assistant professor of medicine

John L. Athas, MD, instructor in medicine

Katherine J. Atkinson, MD, instructor in family medicine & community health

Paula J. Aucoin, MD, assistant professor of medicine

Carolyn Laura Augart, MD, assistant professor of family medicine & community health

Onesky Aupont, MD, MPH, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics

Gerard P. Aurigemma, MD, professor of medicine and radiology

Gerald W. Austen, MD, senior affiliate in surgery

Elizabeth T. Austin, PsyD, assistant professor of psychiatry

Mark A. Aversa, MD, instructor in obstetrics & gynecology

Konstantino A. Avradopoulos, MD, clinical assistant professor of surgery

Gamze Ayata, MD, assistant professor of pathology

David C. Ayers, MD, the Arthur M. Pappas, MD, Chair in Orthopedics and chair and professor of orthopedics & physical rehabilitation

Zahra Ayub, MD, adjunct affiliate in neurology

Philip Ayvazian, MD, clinical associate professor of surgery