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Haynes Lab Members

Cole Haynes, PhD   Cole Haynes, PhD
  Associate Professor
  Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology

Cole received a PhD from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 2003 and was a postdoctoral fellow in David Ron’s laboratory at the NYU School of Medicine. Cole started his own lab in the Cell Biology Program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in 2009. And, he joined the Department of Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology at the UMass Chan Medical School in 2016.

He has received multiple awards for is work including the 2016 ASBMB Young Investigator, 62nd Mallinckrodt Scholar, Ellison Medical Foundation Scholar, the Boyer Award, and a Glenn Award for Research in Biological Mechanisms of Aging.

    Yunguang Du

Research Associate II

    Sookyoung Kim

Graduate Student

    Avijit Mallick, Ph.D.
  Post Doctoral Associate

    Levi Ali
    Graduate Student

    Theresa Ramalho, Ph.D.
    Post Doctoral Associate