Featured Resources
The following are featured resources developed by the Law & Psychiatry program. Topic areas include:
- Adolescent's Competence to Stand Trial
- Adolescent Domestic Battery
- Behavioral Health Screening
- Detention Screening
- Diversion
- Law Enforcement
- Risk Screening & Assessment/Risk-Need-Responsivity
Adolescents Competence to Stand Trial
Publication - Developing Service Delivery Systems for Evaluations of Juveniles’ Competence to Stand Trial: A Guide for States and Counties. 2017, Kruh and Grisso
Publication - Competence to Stand Trial Evaluations: Just the Basics. 2014, Grisso
Publication - Issue Brief 1: Adolescent Legal Competence in Court. 2013, Grisso
Publication - Developing Statutes for Competence to Stand Trial in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings: A Guide for Lawmakers. 2012, Larson and Grisso
Publication - Evaluation of Juveniles' Competence to Stand Trial. 2008, Kruh and Grisso
Publication - Clinical Evaluations for Juveniles’ Competence to Stand Trial: A Guide for Legal Professionals. 2005, Grisso
Adolescent Domestic Battery
Publication - Adolescents Charged With Assault of a Parent: Assessment and Treatment Approaches. 2018, Vincent, Espinosa, and Nussbaum
Publication - Adolescent Domestic Battery Typology Tool Manual. 2015, Nussbaum, Berry, Hartnett, and Vincent
Behavioral Health Screening
Publication - Review of Trauma Screening Tools for Children and Adolescents. 2016, Wevodau
Publication - Identifying Dual Status Youth with Trauma-Related Problems. 2015 Wevodau, Cruise, and Grisso
Publication - Trauma in Dual Status Youth: Putting Things In Perspective. 20xx, Grisso and Vincent
Video - Addressing and Assessing the Mental Health Needs of Youthful Offenders. 2013, Vincent & McKeown
Publication - Screening and Assessment in Juvenile Justice Systems: Identifying Mental Health Needs and Risk of Reoffending. 2012, Vincent
Publication - Mental Health Screening within Juvenile Justice: The Next Frontier. 2008, National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice
Publication - Developing Mental Health Screening in Juvenile Justice. 2004, Vincent and Grisso
Detention Screening
Publication - Preventing Prison Rape: Designing and Validating a PREA Screening Tool for Pre-trial Juvenile Detention Centers. 2018, Vincent, Fitzgerald, & Nunez
Webinar - The Essential Role of Juvenile Diversion. 2019, Weber, Umpierre, Vincent, Pugh, and Goode
Publication Juvenile Diversion Guidebook. 2011, Prepared by the Models for Change Juvenile Diversion Workgroup
Law Enforcement
Publication - The MASTLE: Obtaining Legitimacy Through Fair, Impartial, and Objective Decision-Making. 2017, Gropman and Vincent
Publication - MASTLE: Massachusetts Arrest Screening Tool for Law Enforcement Executive Summary. 2015, Vincent, Gropman, Moreno-Rivera, & Perrault
Publication - MASTLE: Massachusetts Arrest Screening Tool for Law Enforcement Executive Brief. 2015, Vincent, Gropman, Moreno-Rivera, & Perrault
Risk Screening & Assessment/Risk-Need-Responsivity
Brief: Bringing Data to the Debate on Risk Assessments. 2024, in collaboration with PRA. Lawson, S., Vincent G., and Vincent-Roller, N.
Podcast: Data Points: Bringing Data to the Debate on Risk Assessments. 2024, in collaboration with PRA. Lawson, S., Vincent G.
Presentation - Mental Health Versus Dynamic Risk: Challenges of Implementing RNR in Justice Settings. Sponsored by Forensia, Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel, Montreal, Quebec. 2023, Vincent
Podcast - Assessments 101- The Fundamentals 2-Part Podcast. 2022, RFK Community Alliance, Vincent
Keynote Address - Advancing from the "What Works" to "How to Make It Work: Applications of Implementation Science to Justice Supervision. 2021, Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Vincent
Article - Prisons are not the answer to preventing crime. 2019, The Conversation, Viljoen and Vincent
Studying Drivers of Risk and Needs Assessment Instrument Implementation in Juvenile Justice. 2018, Vincent, Christopher Sullivan, Carrie Sullivan, Guy, Latessa, Tyson & Adams
Publication - Using Risk Assessment and Risk-Needs-Responsivity Principles in Juvenile Justice. 2016, Vincent
Publication - How to Get the Most Out of Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice. 2013, Vincent and Guy
Publication - Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice: A Guidebook for Implementation. 2012, Vincent, Guy, Grisso