Educational Frameworks for Clinical Teaching
AMEE Guide 78: Frameworks for Learner Assessment in Medicine |
There are numerous frameworks useful in the education of healthcare professionals. This free guide provides theory and conceptual exploration of educational frameworks, and how to identify, combine, or modify a framework for setting and learner need. |
GNOME - Goals, Needs, Objectives, Methods, Evaluation |
The GNOME framework for clinical education and planning is a comprehensive tool for planning, implementing, and evaluating educational experiences. GNOME was the subject of our early webinars. You can find a link to the recording of the session here. GNOME was originally developed by Kenneth Roberts, MD to help community preceptors prepare for graduate medical education. However, it can be applied to any discipline or precepting setting. The New England Nursing Preceptor Academy has developed a tipsheet that summarizes the GNOME and includes an example case. In this short slide deck, Susan Feeney, DNP, FNP, utilizes the GNOME to assess learner progress. |
O-RIME - Observer, Reporter, Interpreter, Manager, Educator |
The O-RIME model was developed to assess learner growth and progress in ambulatory settings. While originally devised for medical clerkships, it has been widely adopted across healthcare professions. (The original form did not contain the “O” or observer role.) You can find the original publication here: RIME Publication This article details how to incorporate the RIME framework into nurse practitioner education. |
The Seven-Component Framework to Enhance Teaching Effectiveness |
Also known as “The Stanford Model,” this framework details seven components to focus on in ambulatory teaching: 1) learning climate, 2) control of the teaching session, 3) communication of goals, 4) understanding and retention, 5) evaluation, 6) feedback, and 7) self-directed learning. Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness and Vitality in the Ambulatory Setting |
The American Association |
The AACN published competencies for both entry and advanced level nurse learners in 2021. This comprehensive and robust document contains domains, competencies, and sub-competencies for both levels of learners. We supply the full guide here, but the domains and competences are covered on pages 27-54. AACN has also published a framework for the Essentials competencies. |