Role of PrRP+ projections to BNST in ethanol withdrawal and negative affective behavior
Negative affect and stress experienced during alcohol abstinence can be a major factor contributing to relapse in alcohol use disorder, yet underlying neurobiological mechanisms remain ill-defined. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-expressing neurons in the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (BNST) are involved in anxiety and stress responses, and they play a major role in the withdrawal. A subcommissural population of CRF neurons in the BNST (vBNSTCRF) is heavily innervated by hindbrain noradrenergic neurons that co-express prolactin releasing peptide (PrRP). Because these PrRP neurons are sensitive to both stress and interoceptive state, they are likely involved in the development of stress hypersensitivity following withdrawal. However, the role of PrRP neurons in alcohol-related behaviors has not been studied. I hypothesize that signaling of PrRP neurons to vBNST during acute ethanol withdrawal contributes to the development of negative affective behaviors, and that ethanol withdrawal potentiates vBNSTCRF responses to stress and PrRP neuronal activation. In the proposed project, mice will undergo chemogenetic silencing of PrRP+ neurons projecting to vBNST during acute ethanol withdrawal to examine the necessity of the circuit in the development of negative affective behaviors (Aim 1). Then, the influence of ethanol withdrawal on in vivo calcium responses of vBNSTCRF neurons to stress and chemogenetic activation of PrRP+ neurons will be explored using fiber photometry (Aim 2). Finally, monosynaptic tracing and whole brain imaging will be used to define additional brain regions innervating vBNSTCRF neurons that may be modulated concomitantly during ethanol withdrawal (Aim 3). The results of these studies will provide an improved understanding of neurobiological mechanisms impacting affective behavioral changes during ethanol abstinence. This project also provides a strong platform to expand and strengthen the trainee’s expertise in modern behavioral neuroscience approaches, including intersectional viral strategies for chemogenetic manipulation of neural circuits, observation of cell-type specific in vivo calcium signaling, and characterization of monosynaptic inputs to specific cell populations.