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Developing a programmable siRNA-based therapeutic platform for gene silencing in the skin

Qi Tang  |    Khvorova Research Group  |  The NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award

RNAi-based drugs are emerging as a new class of therapeutic modalities that are transforming pharmaceutical development. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases has granted a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award to Dr. Qi Tang to support his career transition to an independent principal investigator position at a U.S. academic institution and to fund his research on developing a programmable siRNA-based therapeutic platform for gene silencing in the skin. Dr. Tang will receive integrated scientific and career training during his K99 phase at UMass Chan, and in R00 phase, he will work to establish his independent laboratory with a focus on designing and expanding the utility of siRNA therapeutics for treating inflammatory skin diseases that currently lack sufficient treatments or are undruggable by conventional modalities.