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Benefits Guide and Stipend Information For Residents and Fellows


Residents and fellows working at least 50% time are eligible for benefits.  The University provides a range of health plan choices, providing comprehensive coverage through a range of provider networks.  Choices include indemnity plans, PPO-Types (Preferred Provider Organizations), POS (Point of Service, HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) and an EPO (Exclusive Provider Organization).  Employees contribute 25% of the premium cost through payroll deduction. 

Coverage is effective on the first of the month following 60 days of employment.

Date of Hire:   June 3 to July 3; Coverage Begins:  SEPTEMBER 1

Date of Hire:   July 4 to August 2; Coverage Begins:  OCTOBER 1

For complete plan details, go to: group-insurance-commission.  A GIC Benefit Guide is available in the Benefits Department or accessed online on the Benefits website:

Enrollment Information:

  • You must enroll as a new hire during your first 10 days of employment, otherwise, you may enroll during the open enrollment period held annually every April/May. NOTE: Certain life change events (marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of child) may enable you to enroll other than as a new hire or during open enrollment.  Check the Benefits website (Life Events section) for more information
  • Available to employees, spouses including same sex spouses and dependent children up to age 26. You must provide a copy of your marriage certificate to cover a spouse and birth certificates if covering any children