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Gyongyi Szabo, MD, PhD

Gyongyi Szabo PhotoGyongyi Szabo, MD, PhD is Professor and Vice Chair of Medicine and Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Sciences at the UMass Chan Medical School. As a physician scientist, Dr. Szabo studies liver disease through the spectrum of translational studies. Her research focuses on mechanisms for regulation of immunity and inflammation in liver diseases including alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and viral hepatitis. She discovered molecular and cellular mechanisms of alcohol- and hepatitis C- induced augmentation of inflammation. Her recent research focuses on the role of Toll-like receptor and Nod-like receptor signaling pathways in alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver diseases and on translational studies in alcoholic hepatitis patients. She is an internationally recognized leader in the field of liver disease, former associate editor of Hepatology and current member of the National Advisory Board of NIAAA. Dr. Szabo serves on the Governing Board of the American Association for Studies in Liver Disease and she will be President of the society in 2015. Dr. Szabo has extensive tracing and mentoring experience in research, particularly for clinician scientists. She has created and implemented the UMass Chan Clinical Translational Pathway for Medical students and the UMMMS Resident/Fellow Clinical Scholars Program. Dr. Szabo is the Director of the UMass Chan MD/PhD Program that trains physician scientists of the future.