Current Services (Staff Assisted for Regular Users)
Data Collection
- Cryo-EM imaging - low-dose, at liquid nitrogen temperature
- High image quality, high throughput
- Automated cryo-ET data collection
- Automated single particle data collection
- Remote data collection options
Sample Preparation
- Prepare cryo-EM grids using FEI Vitrobot freezing machine
Cryo Grid Screening
- Screen cryo grid conditions on auto-loader scope will save huge mount of time
- Screening will provide low mag atlas, medium mag montages for a few good meshes
- It will also take a few shots in each mesh
Image Processing
- Preliminary data processing for aligning movie frames in fly during data collection
- 3D reconstruction for tomography data
- 3D reconstruction of single particle data for regular sample such as icosahedral viruses
- Basic theory of electron microscopy
- Hands-on training of basic TEM operation using existing EM Core Facility
- Advanced training on TEM operation using SerialEM
- Hands-on training for operating Titan Krios and Talos-Arctica
- Negative stain sample preparation
- Cryo-EM sample preparation
Interested in utilizing our services?