For Kids and Teens: Mental Health and Trauma Resources
It’s normal to feel guilty, upset, worried, or overwhelmed if you experience something scary or traumatic. But that doesn’t mean you will always feel this way.
Our mental health resources for kids and teens can help you learn why you feel this way. They also give some tips and supports to feel better.
We know, and research about trauma tells us, that it’s hard to go through something traumatic alone. We do better when we have the support of other people.
Need Help?
Do you feel sad or scared? We’re here to help:
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Call or text: 988
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Massachusetts Statewide Crisis Services Directory
Call: 1-877-382-1609
The Trevor Project for LGBTQ youth
United Way 211 Helpline for community services
LINK-KID: A Centralized Referral Service for Evidence-Based Trauma Treatments
Please note: LINK-KID eligibility guidelines have changed.
We are currently accepting referrals for:
- Youth ages 16-25
- Youth residing in Worcester
- Youth involved with a Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) or the Office of the District Attorney (DA)
- Youth in foster care
Make a referral for an Eligible Youth
- Call: 1-855-LINK-KID (1-855-546-5543) to speak to someone about getting help. Callers who are deaf or hard of hearing can use MassRelay 7-1-1 to access LINK-KID.
- Email:

Free Trauma and Mental Health Resources for Youth
Check out our mental health resources for kids and teens:
Create a Customized Safety Plan Whether You Want to Stay Together or Break Up [PDF]
"But Who Should I Tell?" Questions and Answers About Seeking Help After Sexual Abuse [PDF]
It's Never Your Fault: The Truth About Sexual Abuse [PDF]
Preventing Acquaintance Rape: A Safety Guide for Teens [PDF]
Sex? Or Sexual Abuse? Respect Yourself—Know the Difference [PDF]
Staying Safe While Staying Connected (Online): Facts and Tips for Teens [PDF]
Teen Sexual Assault: Information for Teens [PDF]
What Do I Do Now? A Survival Guide for Victims of Acquaintance Rape [PDF]