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JOB AIDS Older version

Job Aids are one-to three-page step-by-step instructions to aid eIRB users as they walk through specific actions.
How to Print Stamped Consent Forms
  • Instructions on how to print the stamped consent form from eIRB
How to Find Added Documentation
  •  How to Find Added Documentation 
How to Log into eIRB/Forgot My User Name or Password
  • How to log into eIRB
  • Forgot my password
  • Forgot my user name

How to Edit User Profile

View the Video (1:16)

  • How to edit your user profile

How to Edit Research Staff

View the Video (2:31)

  • How to update research personnel
How to Change Principal Investigator
  • How to submit a modification to change the PI of the study protocol

How to Create and Submit a New Research Study Submission

View the Video (5:02)
  • How to create a new research study submission
  • How to complete the electronic application (Smartform)
  • How to submit the research study to the IRB (PI ONLY)


How to Manage Files in eIRB        

View the Video (2:36)

  • eIRB file management overview
  • Steps to edit study documents

How to Navigate to Find Existing Studies

View the Video (2:15)

  • How to navigate to findyour eIRB studies and submissions

How to Submit a  Modification

View the Video (3:28)

How to Submit a Continuing Review, Continuing Review/Mod, or Closure

  • How to create and submit a Modification
  • How to create and submit a Continuing Review, Continuing Review/Modification, or Study Closure
How to Submit a Reportable New Information
  • How to create a Reportable New Information submission
  • How to edit a Reportable New Information submission

How to Respond to Clarifications Requested

View the Video (2:27)

  • Where to find the Clarifications Requested notification
  • How to respond to a request for clarifications

How to Respond to IRB Decision

View the Full Video (3:21)

View the Video: Step 2 (PI ONLY)

  • Where to find the IRB correspondence after Non-Committee/Committee Review
  • How to respond to IRB decision