UMass Chan PRC partnering to collect and share data with the Worcester COVID 19 Survey
Date Posted: Monday, June 15, 2020
From the Worcester COVID 19 Survey Website
What has been YOUR experience living through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
The City of Worcester, Central Massachusetts Regional Public Health Alliance and the UMass Chan Medical School are inviting everyone who lives in the Worcester area to take an online survey.
The purpose of the survey is to learn more about how the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting the lives of people who live in the Worcester area. We will use this information to help plan programs and services. Your answers will remain anonymous. We are all in this together!
Please take the survey if you live in: Worcester, Shrewsbury, Holden, Grafton, Millbury, Leicester or West Boylston.
The survey is in English, Albanian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese.
There are two versions of the survey in each language:
- Survey questions about yourself
- Survey questions about someone you take care of who is not able to answer the questions themselves, such as someone who is ill.
Please click on the link for the survey that is best for you:
English: Questions about yourself
English: Complete the survey for someone else
Español: Preguntas para si mismo
Español: Completa la encuesta para alguien más
Português: Perguntas sobre você
Português: Complete a pesquisa para outra pessoa
Shqip: Pyetje për veten tuaj
Shqip: Plotësojeni anketën për dikë tjetër
русский: Вопросы, касающиеся вас
русский: Пройти опрос от имени кого-либо другого
Tiếng Việt: Câu hỏi về bản thân anh/chị
Tiếng Việt: Hoàn thành khảo sát hộ người khác