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Alberto R. Kornblihtt

Group Leader, Emeritus Professor, FCEN-UBA and Senior Investigator, CONICET

Dr. Alberto R. Kornblihtt is Professor Emeritus of the University of Buenos Aires and senior investigator of the National Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina. He was International Research Scholar of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute from 2002 to 2017. He has received multiple awards and is Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, the Académie des Sciences of France and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), as well as full member of scientific academies of Argentina and Latin America. The Kornblihtt lab works on the coupling of transcription with alternative mRNA splicing investigating how transcript elongation speed and chromatin structure modulate splicing choices in health and disease. His group has recently proposed a combined therapy for spinal muscular atrophy based on splicing-correcting antisense oligonucleotides and drugs that promote higher transcript elongation through histone acetylation.