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DRIVE Resources for Faculty

DRIVE One Pager

DRIVE One Pager - Advancing Diversity in Teaching and Learning at UMass Chan - is a one page printable PDF of the work that DRIVE does.

Curriculum Appraisal Tool:

Faculty are encouraged to use the DRIVE Curriculum Appraisal Tool as a guide to reducing bias in lectures and learning materials.

One-Slide Summary Recommendations:

This One-Slide offers high yield strategies and resources to support presenters as you mitigate bias and enhance inclusion in teaching and materials. It is based on the DRIVE Curriculum Appraisal Tool and workshop and includes links to our website with additional resources. We encourage course and program leaders to share it with presenters and for all to attend an interactive DRIVE workshop to continue to build skills and enhance our learning environment. 

Independent Learning Module (ILM)

Addressing Bias in the Curriculum.  This useful resource is a prerequisite for DRIVE Core Skills Workshops. 

You'll find the workshop schedule on our Programs/Sessions page. 

Stoplight Terminology Guide and Glossary

A living resource for improving our language to promote accurate, representative, and inclusive teaching materials and educational environments.  This document can only be accessed by current UMass Chan students, faculty and staff, including UMass Chan Baystate and UMass Memorial Medical Center users.

Commitment Slides

Download sample DRIVE Commitment Slides for examples of introductory language and ways to incorporate DRIVE principles into your presentations.  These slides represent your commitment to removing biased language and images from learning materials.

Institutional Partners:

The Library Guide, managed by our colleagues in the Lamar Soutter Library, is designed to support the primary goals of the DRIVE Initiative:

  • To promote a representative and bias-free curriculum across our learning environments 
  • To enhance the accuracy, representation, and inclusion of diverse populations in all our educational activities 
  • To make space for critical conversations about diversity in teaching and learning across our community.

The Diversity and Inclusion Office (DIO) is the primary vehicle for guiding the diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts of the academic health sciences center. 

Other Resources:

The Yale Medical Library curates an extensive self-education collection on Race in Medicine.