DSCL COVID-19 Resources
Illumina Sequencing Resources

Illumina coronavirus detection
June 11 Webinar: Powering Clinical Metagenomics Analysis to Address SARS-CoV-2 Detection.
June 24 Webinar: Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Applications for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Epidemiology.
PacBio Sequencing Resources

PacBio coronavirus sequencing
Live Webinars:
May 7: Understanding SARS-CoV-2 and Host Immune Response to COVID-19 with PacBio Sequencing.
May 27: Increasing Solve Rates for Rare and Mendelian Diseases with Long-read Sequencing.
On-demand Webinars:
Using PacBio Long-read Sequencing for COVID-19 Research.
Long HiFi Reads for High-Quality Genome Assemblies.
A HiFi View: Sequencing the Gut Microbiome with Highly Accurate Long Reads.
Sequencing 101: How Long-Read Sequencing Improves Access to Genetic Information.
New viral infographic and resources for Covid Sequencing:
Viral Genomics Grant Support document
Infographic: Mapping the interplay of viral and host genomics with HiFi sequencing.
Covid Sequencing repository of protocols, recommendations and research tools for using Long-Read Sequencing.