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Data Repository

The following datasets are available for your review by the Office of Educational Affairs and Research & Evaluation. You must have a valid UMASSCHAN or UMASSMEMORIAL account and have been granted access to SharePoint in order to view these files.  Access to SharePoint documents are for the purpose of the LCME accreditation process and are considered confidential and privileged.

Source Documents

Compiled Documents


 AY0910 Cross-Site Report


 AY0910 End of Clerkship Reports





Instructions to login to your SharePoint site:

  • Click on the 'SharePoint' link in the left-hand navigation window
  • If prompted to login, please login as follows with your USERNAME and PERMANENT Password.

SharePoint login
**Access to SharePoint can also be obtained using a valid UMASSMEMORIAL account by typing UMASSMEMORIAL\Username at the prompt