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UMass Chan Medical School Launches “Multiple Mini-Interviews" (MMI) Program as Part of the Admissions Process for the T.H. Chan School of Medicine


Massachusetts, Jan 1, 2014 - UMass Chan Medical School will now be among the first cohort of medical schools nationwide to implement the “Multiple Mini-Interviews" (MMI) Program as part of its T.H. Chan School of Medicine admissions process.

MMI now replaces the standard one-on-one medical school interview with a series of brief (e.g., eight-minute) encounters, in which the applicant interacts with an MMI “rater,” who assesses the candidate’s communication and interpersonal skills, as well as other foundational skills central to the practice of medicine, including critical thinking, ethical decision-making, self-awareness and professionalism.

In each MMI encounter, the applicant discusses with the interviewer a scenario of general relevance to health care (e.g., drug advertising), with all interviewers rating the applicant using a common, standardized scale.

The MMI has been extensively researched and, in a study at one medical school, was demonstrated to be the best admissions predictor of OSCE performance, as well as student’s overall clerkship performance ratings (H. Reiter, MedEd 2007).


By 2016, the MMI became a method of choice at roughly 20 percent of the 145 accredited U.S. allopathic medical schools. National trends show more schools adopting the MMI model as a tool for identifying students with the communications skills and related abilities that will best prepare them
as skilled and effective communicators in medicine and beyond.

Read more about MMI at UMass Chan Admissions Office Website

For further information please contact iCELS at or Phone: 508-856-5434


Last updated Dec 31st, 2016