Activities that Informed the Development of the HYPE Intervention
Interviews with Services & Agencies
A Survey of Innovative Practices (SIP) was conducted to identify state-of-the-art practices and services in career development for young adults with mental health conditions. This study sought to strategically capture practices through a survey of providers modifying services to better meet the needs of this population. Thirty-one programs providing education and employment supports were interviewed and surveyed for this study. A summary of our findings can be found below.

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Literature Review
A systematic review of the peer-reviewed research literature was conducted to evaluate the empirical evidence regarding specific education and/or employment interventions. The aim of this review was to identify specific services and supports which best facilitate career development for young people with mental health conditions. The search focused on sources published in English between 1990 and 2015, which yielded a total of more than 10,800 unique sources. After reviewing all the sources and eliminating those that did not fit the criteria, approximately 40 sources were retained for the final systematic review. A manuscript describing our findings is currently under review and will be shared as soon as possible!
Qualitative Interviews
Qualitative Interviews Regarding Career Development Experiences
The Perspectives of Transition-Age Youth and Young Adults with Psychiatric Conditions. The purpose of this study was to learn about the experiences of young adults with mental health conditions first-hand. We interviewed young people ages 18 to 35, with a focus on: the impact of their mental health condition on school and work; their school, work, and long-term career goals and aspirations; and barriers and facilitators to success [Manuscript Pending].
HYPE Development Summit
The advisory councils and research team came together to discuss the critical components to be included in the HYPE intervention, focusing on items where there was disagreement. The critical components to be included in the HYPE intervention had to meet one of three criteria: 1) it is unique to young people, meaning that it is not broadly relevant to all age groups; 2) It is unique to career development; or 3) It is critical to either young people or career development. This three-day meeting was made up of presentations and discussions in large and small groups. The Development Meeting helped provide the framework for creating the HYPE principles.