Welcome to Hahnemann!
Thank you for visiting our health center. Here at Hahnemann, we strive to maintain a collegial learning environment that has an eye toward innovation. Our health center focuses on team-based care. Our behavioral health faculty and fellows are fully integrated into all aspects of our health center. Our faculty are committed training the next generation of family doctors, a job we all agree is critically important in our complicated health care system, and their diverse backgrounds, interests and leadership roles.
Hahnemann has been caring for the Worcester community since 1975. Our practice serves as the medical home for a truly diverse patient panel that represents the demographics of the city of Worcester. Our patients span generations, are multi-lingual, and come from all walks of life. We also provide care for three of the city’s colleges. In addition to our diverse patients, we welcome a variety of learners. On any given day, you can find medical students, nurse practitioner students, pharmacy students, behavioral health fellows, and a sports medicine fellow.
Our residency program offers many opportunities for individualized learning. We offer a strong procedural training and a robust women’s health experience. Residents may participate in a number of specialized educational experiences, such as a global health elective, a longitudinal college health elective, addiction medicine, or whatever ignites their interest. Our residents consistently showcase compassion, curiosity, and dedication to primary care. We think they are pretty great!
Thank you for taking the time to visit us and share your own passions, visions, and goals as you begin the process of becoming a family doctor. We sincerely hope you enjoy your time with us and in the wonderful Worcester community.
Kathleen Barry, MD, MS - Medical Director
Stephanie Carter-Henry, MD - Education Director
Our schedule for Hahnemann's Virtual Interview Day is:
Wednesday evening
A casual dinner/game night, hosted by our current residents. Details will be e-mailed to you by ourresident host of the week as we get closer. The Zoom link will typically open 15 minutes before the dinner starts.
Thursday morning
8:15 am: Zoom room opens
8:30: Introductions of applicants, faculty and staff
9:15: Welcome from Ginny Van Duyne, MD, Program Director of UMass Worcester Family Medicine Residency Program
9:45: Live health center walking tour led by faculty
10:15-12:00: Interviews with 2 faculty, 2 residents and an interview with PD Ginny Van Duyne. (Please note that Dr. Van Duyne interivews all applicants only once so an interview may be scheduled with her on another interview day if you're visiting more than one health center.)
In between interviews, applicants will remain in the main Zoom room where they will be joined by faculty, residents and staff who are excited to greet you.
12:00-12:30 Live tour of Memorial Hospital led by resident host and conclusion of day
Meet our residents and our faculty, read about our curriculum (including our osteopathic curriculum) and learn a bit about living in Central MA!
Download our Fitchburg brochure and follow our Fitchburg residency Instagram!
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