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Congratulations on Your Barre interview!

Our schedule for Interview Day is: 
Tuesday evening
A casual dinner-by-Zoom, hosted by our current residents - start time is typically around 6 pm EST,  and details will be e-mailed to you from our resident host of the week as we get closer.  The Zoom link will typically open 15 minutes before the dinner starts.

Wednesday morning
8:15 a,: Zoom room opens
8:30 am: Introductions, brief overview of the program by our Program Director, Beth Mazyck, MD.

9:00 am- 12:30 pm: Each applicant interviews with 3 faculty and 2 residents.

All applicants will have two half-hour breaks in our main Zoom room where they will be joined by Angelique Ranno, our Residency Program Administrator and Michael Smith, MS, our Associate Director of Admissions, along with any available residents, faculty and staff. 

12:30 – 1:00 pm: Break for lunch (on your own)

1:00 pm: Wrap-up, questions, followed by clinic “tour” by your resident host 

2:00 pm: Optional hospital tour by the hospital-based residents

Meet our residents and our faculty, read about our curriculum (including our osteopathic curriculum) and learn a bit about living in Central MA! 

Download our Fitchburg brochure and follow our Fitchburg residency Instagram!

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