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Spring 2014 FMCH Retreat

Family Medicine and Community Health Faculty Spring Retreat April 11-12, 2014

Making our practices work better in a rapidly evolving world

Cyprian Keyes,   284 East Temple Street  Boylston, MA 01505,(508) 869-9900



Friday, April 11 – 


Opening luncheon  



Setting the StageHealth Care Reform – A review of why it’s different this time, what people need to know, how it will impact the Department, and how we might get the work done.

Dan Lasser MD MPH


MA Patient-Centered Medical Home Initiative: Has it Made a Difference? This session will include review of PCMHI accomplishments, reflection on some lessons learned, and discussion of the future direction for primary care reform.  


Judy Steinberg MD MPH, Christine Johnson PhD


LEAN Progress with ‘Gallery Walk’:    Following an introductory overview of how faculty are using LEAN techniques to respond to change, attendees will interact with the current A3 teams, sharing best practices, getting answers to questions in real time, and building cross-site alliances to advance the department’s work.


David Gilchrist MD


Healthcare Quality Measures: Where have we been, where we are, where we might be going.  Want to know more about the sources of objective measures of quality of care? This session will review historical vs. current data on departmental performance on quality measures and discuss possible future changes in assessment of quality of care.


Dennis Dimitri MD


“True North,” LEAN, and our Strategic Plan” How do research, education and scholarship fit in?


Dan Lasser MD MPH


Reception: We’ll wrap up the day networking; appetizers will be served.






Saturday, April 12: Stuff That Helps


Breakfast buffet with topic tables: 

Preparing for Promotion (Dan Lasser): an opportunity to ask questions and discuss requirements and processes that lead to promotion

Cohort Connection (Carole Upshur):  faculty in their first three years are invited to use this time to reflect on progress and catch up with others from their entry year peers.

Improving the PCP-Hospitalist Interface (Beth Koester, Trish Seymour): a chance to meet the hospitalists in person and ask questions about current operations and be able discuss any particular communication needs or concerns.

“Teaching our Own—Brainstorming Opportunities for Women’s Health Procedure Training”  (Ginny Van Duyne)  In our residency program’s Ambulatory Women’s Health rotation, we rely heavily on providers from other departments to teach our residents women’s health procedures.  While this has many benefits, our residents miss out on rich mentoring and modeling we can provide when we work side-by-side with them.  Let’s collaborate to find ways to incorporate our family med residents into the women’s health procedures that are being done throughout our department.



Concurrent sessions:


Safe and Competent Opioid Prescribing (SCOPE of Pain) with Phil Bolduc MD

(Developed by the Boston University School of Medicine)

By the end of this session, learners will:

Recognize strategies to assess chronic pain and opioid misuse risk

Understand how to initiate opioid therapy safely

Know how to assess and manage aberrant medication-taking behavior


Tai Chi for Health with Ted Shoemaker MD

This session will introduce Tai Chi, its history and current uses for self-care and patient therapy.

LEAN Consultant “Office Hours”

with Nick Comeau -  This is an opportunity to return to Friday’s
content with questions for the
institutional practice improvement specialists.

Appointments pre-arranged





LiNCing Faculty to the New Curriculum:  Focus on the Capstone Requirement with Judy Savageau MPH and Linda Cragin MS

This session will prepare faculty to advise student capstone projects.

LEAN Consultant “Office Hours” with Nick Comeau

Appointments pre-arranged


Supporting our Faculty through Mentorship 

An update on the Department’s Mentoring Program Pilot - preview an upcoming STFM presentation by Dan Lasser MD MPH, Linda Weinreb MD, Melissa McLaughlin, Dan Mullin PsyD, and Jen Reidy MD