Department of Family Medicine and Community Health Faculty Retreat
Warren Conference Center and Inn; Hayden Lodge
September 23-24, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Departmental Climate: Responding to the Faculty Survey. Setting the theme and relating it to the Department’s strategic plan. Dan Lasser, MD, MPH, Dept chair
Massachusetts Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) video on youth pipeline projects was presented by Linda Cragin, Director, The MassAHEC Network. You can watch the video at .
Skill Building Workshops:
Clinical Track:
OB Skills Review with Simulation: Session focused on the management of 2 common obstetrical emergencies, postpartum hemorrhage and shoulder dystocia using a case-based approach. Active use of simulation equipment as tools both for faculty to review these topics as well as role modeling how this equipment may be used in resident teaching were included. There was a discussion of future directions for OB education within the department to improve and maintain skills for all maternity care providers. Anita Kostecki, MD, Allison Hargreaves MD, Margo Kaplan-Gill MD
Kostecki presentation on post-partum hemorrhage
Kaplan-Gill presentation on shoulder dystonia
Scholarship/Research Track:
Accessing departmental support for clinical, QI and educational research projects: From design to scholarly output...
A panel of clinical faculty presented their experiences with developing and implementing their research ideas. Moderator: Linda Weinreb MD, Panel: Tracy Kedian MD; Dan Mullin PsyD; J. Herb Stevenson MD
You can find the forms and policies reviewed during this session on the department website listed under Research.
Education Track:
Providing effective written and verbal feedback to learners. Benchmarking objectives to provide effective feedback at different learning levels (1st, 2nd and 3rd year residents as well as medical students in different parts of their training) , giving formative feedback to the struggling learner, and also effective written feedback that can help inform the deans letter. Mary Lindholm MD; Mark Quirk EdD; Stacy Potts MD; James Ledwith MD
Lindholm presentation on feedback
Mock Departmental Personnel Action Committee:
In this session we conducted a 'mock DPAC meeting' focusing on promotion of 2 hypothetical faculty cases (physician and non-physician). We demonstrate the application of key evaluation criteria with specific examples of how to strengthen applications. Participants engaged in reflective exercises using their own experiences to prepare for promotion.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
LEAN Principles in the Clinical Setting:
This four-hour session provided a clinician’s overview of “Lean,” an approach originally developed within manufacturing, now being applied to health care. Dr. Eric Dickson, President of the UMass Memorial Medical Group, led us through a 2 hour exercise entitled "Physician Muda Simulation". During this trauma center simulation participants work to maximize value added work, minimize physician muda (wasted physician time) and actively participate in process redesign through PDSA and rapid cycle improvement. This was followed by an overview of “A3 Problem Solving Methodology” and an A3 Working Session led by Lori Pelletier, Director of Performance Improvement in the UMass Memorial Office for Quality and Patient Safety.
Dickson presentation on LEAN management
Pelletier presentation on A3
Teaching Advocacy:
The objective of this training engagement was to increase your capacity to not just advocate, but to also teach and integrate policy advocacy into your interactions with learners. Sara Kanevsky and Valerie Bassett,, MA Public Health Association, with Warren Ferguson and Michael Tutty
Bassett MPHA presentation on advocacy
Kanevsky Eat Fresh case study