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Concur FAQs


Do I have to allocate Requests such as pre travel authorizations, or expense requests for prior approval and exceptions.

No, you do not need to allocate pre travel authorizations, or expense requests for prior approval and exceptions.

Do I have to allocate my expense reports to a speed type?

Yes, expense reports must be allocated to a speed type(s), there is no default speed type in Concur.

I can't find my speed type to allocate my expense report

Select the drop down on the "CODE" field and chose Either to search by speed type or description


Can I create a request for an on-going exception or prior approval?

Yes, you can create a request for an on-going exception or prior approval by selecting the Request Policy of "Blanket Request"

What do I do if my pretravel approval was done in Terra Dota not Concur?

Enter the Terra Dotta request ID number in the "Request ID" field on the expense line of the expense report in Concur.

What do I do if I am delegate preparer for someone else and I do not have acccess to their approved prior approval or exception request in Concur?

Have the employee e-mail you the approved prior approval or exception request from Concur and upload to the expense report 

How can I close a request that I no longer need or want to receive notification on?

Open the request and choose "More Actions", then choose "Close Requests"

Budget Checking

Do expense reports budget check?

Yes, expense reports budget check once they are submitted before routing for approval. The budget checking process runs every five minutes. If a budget error occrus the expense report will be returned to your Request Library with an error. E-mails are not auto sent for budget errors.

Changes to Cost Object Approver

How do I change the cost object approver for my department?

Have your department security contact submit a security form with the updated cost object approver to Worcester Finance Security


Do PI's need to approve expense reports that are allocated to Sponsored Grants.

Yes, bank card and out of pocket employee reimbursements that are allocated to a Sponsored Grant require PI approval.

  • Having the PI sign the bank Statement from US Bank, then upload the bank statement to the expense report in Concur.
  • Emailing or sending via Docusign a copy of the Expense Report to the PI and having them sign the report, then upload that approval to the expense report in Concur.

Job Aids for printing an expense report and attaching a document to an expense report can be found https://www.umassp.edu/travel-and-expense/concur-resource-library-expense-reporting

Note: In some cases the PI may be the supervisor for the employee the report is for, in this case they may approve as the supervisor within Concur.

Travel Registration