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The purpose of the UMass Chan Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Molecular Biology Core (MBC) is to serve the research needs of multiple, independent investigators conducting HIV/AIDS research at the UMass Chan Medical School (UMass Chan). Based on the NIH CFAR Program goals and objectives, Core E provides essential molecular biology reagents, services, facilities, training, and technical expertise in support of basic and clinical HIV/AIDS research programs. Core E also supports technology development, educational initiatives, and outreach activities related to HIV/AIDS.

The UMass Chan CFAR MBC offers users a variety of molecular biology reagents and analytical services at highly competitive prices.

Additional Resources

HIV Sequence Database
This site contains many useful components, including Reviews from the Human Retroviruses and AIDS Compendia; access to DNA, cDNA, and protein sequences from HIV and SIV, as well as analysis programs; tools and tutorials for the construction of evolutionary trees; and information on geographic distribution of isotypes.

HIV Database at Stanford
A curated database of RT and protease sequences -- an excellent resource for researchers studying the molecular bases for the evolution of antiretroviral drug resistance.

AIDS Reagent Program
Catalog of available reagents, application forms, online ordering, and instructions for submission of reagents.
http://www.aidsreagent.org/ (Reagent Program Main Page)
http://www.niaid.nih.gov/reposit/tetramer/index.html (Tetramer facility)

UMass Bioinformatics Tools
Primer Selection, BioNetbook, Restriction Mapping, Database Searches, etc.

National Center for Biotechnology Information
All your favorites: Genbank, PUBMED, OMIM, Entrez, Genome Project, etc.

Next Generation ~ Deep Sequencing resources
DeepSeq FAQ http://www.umassmed.edu/nemo/deep-sequence-FAQ/

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