Molecular Biology Core Labs
The Molecular Biology Core Labs (MBCL) (RRID:SCR_018263) provide the UMASS community* with the cutting edge resources needed to perform your molecular biology research efficiently and inexpensively.
The MBCL is closely integrated with the Deep Sequencing Core Labs and PacBio Core Enterprise. All three Cores work together to provide streamlined sample analysis services. Click on the logos at the left to visit the websites of the other facilities.
*Other institutions and research groups are eligible to use many of our services. However, pricing may vary. Off-campus users should contact us for a quote.
The MBCL is located in the Reed-Rose-Gordon building at 222 Maple Ave in Shrewsbury. Visitors are seen by appointment only.
Oligonucleotide and other services:

- Oligo Discount Program- Our partnership with IDT provides investigators with DNA/RNA oligos and gBlocks at a discount through the MBCL.
- Please see our Services page for other offerings.
Pricing, Support, and Other Details

- Please email for pricing inquiries or to obtain Fragment Analyzer or Library Prep submission forms.
- For small and medium businesses, the Massachusetts State Innovation Voucher Program allows access to Core facilities in the UMass system.
- For a letter of support for a research grant or project, please provide the same format and information as requested for Deep Sequencing support letters.
- The UMass Chan Molecular Biology Core Labs would be pleased to have you mention us in the acknowledgements section of any publications or presentations of data generated with our support. Our Research Resource Identifier is RRID:SCR_018263.
Useful Information

Sample Drop Off Locations:
Samples can be left in the labeled fridges at these locations
for 11:00 AM pickup each business day:
N2 freezer bay near the main lobby elevators
LRB 6th floor mailroom
Our shipping address for off-campus customers is
Rose-Gordon Bldg. Rm. 141, 222 Maple Ave, Shrewsbury, MA, 01545.
(Available weekdays from 9AM to 5PM - email us if you leave or ship samples here).
Inclement Weather Policy

In case of extreme and/or inconvenient weather or campus closures, deliveries and sample pickup may be postponed. Please email us to arrange for sample drop-off or oligo pickup if the weather is questionable. The MBCL, DSCL, & PBCE are closed when UMass Chan is on "inclement weather alert".