Pride. Power. Passion. #UMassCares
Though we may not be together, we would love your help to bring our UMass Chan community together to celebrate Pride month!
Pride, held Nationally each year in June, is a month-long celebration of the LGBTQ+ community’s diversity and unity. Pride celebrations foster community engagement and promote positive changes that strengthen respect and inclusivity. September is Worcester's local Celebration, that is one of the reasons we have an LGBTQ+ Convocation Luncheon in September as well.
At a time when our nation needs it most, we thank you for taking a moment to help our community come together in celebration. Below are some of the efforts
Please Note: We remind all who submit images that the image must pass the "work desk" test. Therefore, before submitting images or video, ask yourself if your supervisor would approve of this image or video? If the answer is yes, then please do submit it. If not, please keep that one at home so we don't have to ask your supervisor about it. All images and video must be your original work or work that you have written permission to use, see forms for details.
In line with our “new normal,” many Pride celebrations are taking place virtually. The committees involved and the DIO have been hard at work to transform our usual campus Pride events to the virtual platform. To that end, we invite you to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community at UMass by creating a 10-20 second video clip wishing everyone at UMASS a HAPPY PRIDE, or by submitting an image or encouraging and uplifting written message related to pride to be compiled into a larger video to be shared with the UMass community in celebration of Pride month.
Upload Videos to UMass OneDrive (must use umassID) and INCLUDE THIS WORD FILE pride video upload word file.docx with all your info and the name of your video file PLUS we would like this to be an accessible video, please transcribe what you say.
If you have trouble uploading to the one drive, email: CEOD@UMAssMed.Edu
Zoom Background Image
We would like for you to be able to get creative and have an image for your Zoom that signifies your UMass Pride. Please submit your background image, but we need to know it is copyright free so please submit this document pride background upload word file.docx to the pride one drive folder.
If you have trouble uploading to the one drive, email: CEOD@UMAssMed.Edu
We will add more images here as we review and approve them. They will appear as links to the OneDrive Site.
Rainbow Flag (we have a webpage about the flag and badge stickers)
“We need to always keep progress moving forward in all aspects of our community.”
Progress Rainbow Flag, designed by Daniel Quazar in 2018 as a way to be more inclusive! Daniel uses the pronouns xe/xem, see more from xe's website.
The committees are encouraging everyone to alter your signature to show pride for UMass! The following is a sample.
Jill Q. Public
Happy Pride!
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Pride is collaborative
Diversity and Inclusion Office
ForHealth Consulting Cultural Diversity Committee,
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Allies
MassBiologics Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Committee for Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Badge Stickers
We have a page dedicated to the rainbow flag! This web page garners interest from around the world since every month we get inquiries on how we produce these stickers.
Pride and LGBTQ+ Resources
Please check out our page for more LGBTQ+ resources.