Celebration of a Clinic and Research Center To Serve the FSHD Patient Community in the Northeast
UMass Chan Wellstone Center for FSH Muscular Dystrophy Research Invites Patients, Families and Supporters to Meet with FSHD Researchers, Clinicians and Biotech Partners to a:
Saturday, November 16, 2013
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Albert Sherman Center - 1st Floor
UMass Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, Massachusetts
Save the Date
Please “save-the-date” to attend the UMass Chan Medical School (UMass Chan) open house for individuals involved with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) in the Albert Sherman Center, Multi Purpose Room at 55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, Massachusetts from noon-5:00 PM on Saturday, November 16, 2013. Patients living with FSHD and their families and friends affected by FSHD are invited to join with researchers and clinicians to celebrate the re-location of the National Institutes of Health NICHD Senator Paul D. Wellstone Cooperative Research Center for FSHD Research headquartered at the UMass Chan. UMass Chan will highlight the opening of a new FSHD clinic in close partnership with Fairlawn Rehabilitation that will serve the clinical needs of FSHD families in New England and the Northeast and detail how patients and families can get more involved by partnering with Center researchers to develop innovative therapeutics to treat the devastating effects of FSHD. The program will begin with an informal luncheon followed by presentations from leading FSHD researchers and clinicians to highlight the exciting research progress being made by the NIH Wellstone center to understand FSHD disease mechanisms and to develop innovative treatments though its partnerships with FSHD patients and industry. www.umassmed.edu/wellstone
Please RSVP by November 13, 2013 and for more information about the Celebration please contact:
Paula Nims
Phone • 508-856-5862
Email • Wellstone@umassmed.edu
UMass Chan/UMMHC - FSH Muscular Dystrophy Clinic Information
Program Agenda
11:00 - 12:00 – Arrival and Registration
12:00 - 1:00 – Luncheon
1:00 - 3:00 – Presentations
Wellstone Center Mission: A Partnership Between Patients, Clinicians and
Researchers for FSHD Therapeutics
By Charles Emerson, Jr, PhD, co-Director, Wellstone Program and Professor
Departments of Cell & Developmental Biology and Neurology, UMass Chan
The FSH Society and Patient Advocacy in FSHD Research
By Daniel Perez, President and CEO, FSH Society
Update on FSHD Research
By Peter Jones, PhD, Wellstone Program and Associate Professor
Departments of Cell & Developmental Biology and Neurology, UMass Chan
Therapeutic Development for FSHD and MD
By Bruce Wentworth, PhD, Senior Research Director,
Genzyme, A Sanofi Company
FSHD Clinic at UMass Chan
By Johnny S. Salameh, MD, UMass Chan Medical School
Open Q & A
3:00 - 5:00 – Reception with Posters and Tour of Wellstone Laboratories
By Takako Jones, PhD and Jennifer Chen, PhD, Wellstone Program, UMass Chan