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Health and Wellbeing

UMass Sustainability Policy Principle

The University of Massachusetts Sustainability Policy requires the UMass campuses to ensure sustainability is part of academic and research programming, and part of community engagement efforts.

Support of Heathy and Wellbeing

The United Nations Sustainable Development goals (SDG) were adopted by the United Nations Member States as a call to action to end poverty, protect the the planet, and sure that all people have peace and prosperity by 2030. Goal 3 of the SDGs is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all. This include reducing global maternal and infant mortality, reducing epidemics and other communicable diseases, reducing premature mortality from non communicable diseases, prevent and treating substance abuse, reducing deaths and injuries from road accidents, ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, achieve universal health coverage, reduce deaths and illness from hazardous chemicals, and supporting the development of vaccines and medicines for communicable and non-communicable diseases. 

For the submission to AASHE Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System report and for the Board of Tustees Sustainability Report, grant funded research and courses are evaluated for alignment with the SDGs. This evaluatation showed that 15% of principle investigators are conducting research which supports the SDGs and 13% of UMass Chan Medical School course includes sustainability as it relates to achieving the SDGs. 

Planning for the Future 

Medical Student are working with the Sustainability Office and Administration to evaluate the integration of climate and sustainability into the Medical School curriculum. 

Have an idea of how to enhance sustainable research and education and promote health and wellbeing at UMass Chan ? Let us know at